Chapter five: Let's rescue our nakama and get the shadows back part 2

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Franky: "What the hell is with his size?! Is he some kind of great demon king or something?! I've never seen such a giant! This is zombie?"

Zoro: Stand infront of miyuki. "This is..."

Sanji: "Luffy's..."

Ussop: "It's all over, he's come to kill us!"

The giant zombie look at them and he lift his hands to grab something. Only to grab the stone that ussop using to hide himself. Ussop screaming and running around and then a big stone fall on top of ussop head.

Ussop: "What's he trying to do?"

The giant zombie lift the stone up on his head. Everyone were in fighting stance.

Luffy's zombie put the stone on top of his head. "This is nice! Alright now the mood is really set! Well then time to become the pirate king!" Turn around and walk away.

Ussop: "The building collapsed. That was scary... W-what was that? It didn't even notice us?"

Zoro: "He's really talking like luffy. Having luffy's power within that large body is definitely dangerous."

Miyuki: "That's why i sense luffy's presence inside him."

Zoro: "You sense him?"

Miyuki: "Yes earlier i couldn't sense anything because of the thick fog but now that we are far from it i could sense again."

Zoro: "I see... You said that the zombies will follow the original owner of the shadows personality right? Does that mean luffy's zombie might have the same power as luffy?"

Miyuki: "That i'm not sure. But i think that maybe luffy's zombie couldn't use luffy's devil fruit power."

Sanji: "Why is that?"

Miyuki: "It's simple. There's no such thing as two of the same devil fruit powers. However that giant zombie has luffy's fighting skill and that will be tough for us. There can't be two people having the same devil fruit power. In order for the devil fruit to appeared again the owner of the devil fruit power must died to make the fruit appeared."

Ussop: Fall down to his knees. "It's alright... We don't need your shadows."

Zoro and sanji: "It's not alright!"

Sanji: "Even if we give that up, we're going to rescue nami-san no matter what! Get your ass up!"

After a while they started to think how to cross the destroyed bridge.

Sanji: "But, what really bother me is this pathway. It seems ussop and me fell along with the stairs. Even if we switch to this pathway. This bridge also destroyed. We can't get to that mansion with mast either way."

Zoro: "It's not a distance that we can simply jump over."

Ussop: "It was such a rare shortcut too. If we go the long way, we'll run into ton of zombies."

Miyuki: Think deeply. Then she go to franky. "Franky you can build the bridge right."

Franky: "No need to ask miyuki i already know and already planned it." Grin.

Miyuki: Giggle. "I know i could count on you."

Franky: "Well you're the one who could read whatever i think of."

Miyuki: "Of course after all i'm also a mechanic, that's one of my traits since i was a child i know what others are thinking and i learn about them quick."

Franky: Smile. "That's why i know i could rely on you whenever i need help or anything... alright gotta get to work. Just wait 30 seconds."

Zoro, ussop and sanji look at them.

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