Late Night Needs

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Frieza breathed softly against his pillow. The night was calm and humid, and he was able to enjoy a relaxed sleep. But unfortunately, that sleep would be interrupted very abruptly.

Frieza sighed out, clinging to the pillow tightly, as if it was a certain someone. But suddenly, as his small moment of waking began to let him drift back to sleep, he felt the warm breath of a Saiyan against his neck. He groaned in annoyance, as he squirmed before opening his eyes slowly. He looked above him, and was met with the rather nervous but anxious face of Goku, who loomed over him with his arms at either side of curled up Friezas body.

Frieza blinked a couple times before he yawned. With a grunt, he made Goku move back, as he sat himself up, stretching his arms over his head. The Ice-jin then eyed Goku in aggitation and question. With a tired, yet annoyed tone, he spoke. "Ugh....what is it you want monkey, i'm trying to sleep!" Frieza spat lightly. Goku, who was sitting on his knees, looked to the side with a blush. He rubbed his arm in hesitation before sighing. Then, he leaned over towards Frieza, sudden desperation in his eyes. Goku grabbed the Ice-jins shoulders, staring at him in hope. His voice shook slightly, almost needy. "Frieza, i....i need it, now!" Goku stared into his partners eyes. Frieza tilted his head, before grabbing the Saiyans wrists, pulling them from his shoulders. He replied, "What do you mean by 'it', exactly?" Frieza was now getting tense, having being woken from such a nice slumber just to listen to more of Gokus requests. Goku stared at Frieza like the lizard lost his mind. Then, he grabbed for the alien again, this time clinging to his arms. His eyes widened, as he bit his lip. "IT Frieza, i need IT! You know?...." Goku watched Frieza hopefully, but the space Emperor was still confused. Goku groaned, shutting his eyes for a moment. He took a deep breath, sudden stress beginning to arise in him. "Frieza, you know what i mean! A little relief, s-something to scratch that hard to reach itch, you know, some....some....ugh! You know-!!" Suddenly, he found himself tossed back, as Frieza began to shout at him harshly, clearly angered now. "No you imbecile, i DON'T know! Dear God, you wake me up in the middle of the night, begging me for something without using proper description, and you expect me to understand what you need?!" Frieza stared at Goku in anger, and the fighter was startled at first. But then, it became clear to simple minded man what the problem was. He sat himself up, patting himself off, before scratching his head. He suddenly held a smile. "Ohhh.....sorry. Yeah, um, you see Frieza, the thing is-" "Just spit it out dammit!!" "SEX!!"

The room went silent. Goku stared at a mute Frieza with wide, pressured eyes. The Ice-jin was silent for a few moments, trying to process what he heard. Then, as if his anger never existed, he spoke calmly, staring at Goku stern. "" Goku gripped his hair in shock. He'd hopped he didn't get that answer. Then, as Frieza began to tuck himself back into bed, Goku shifted over to him quickly, returning to his earlier position above him. He stared down at Frieza with saddened and confused eyes. He received an annoyed stare in return. "Frieza, c'mon, please?!" Goku began to ask, feeling hopeful again. But he simply received the same answer. "No." "But why?! I NEED it Frieza, like right now!" "Monkey, if you really needed sex, i wouldn't even be under these sheets right now." Frieza closed his eyes in an attempt to ignore the Saiyan. But Goku kept trying to push him into acceptance. "But Frieza, it's been three days! I'd really appreciate a good round!" "........" "Please?..." "......" "Frieza, i'm begging you, i won't stop till you say ye-" "DAMMIT NO!!" Frieza lunged upwards, springing from his laying position, getting in a surprised Gokus face. He bared his teeth, fuming. His fingers dug into the bed sheets, as he gave Goku a serious stare down. Goku swallowed in sudden, though slight, fear.

Minutes passed as the two stayed in that position. Goku over Frieza, but now he was leaning back, and Frieza sitting up in his face. But soon, Goku relaxed, as he watched Friezas tension fade from his features. The Ice-jin took a long, deep inhale, before he spoke out. His voice sounded as though he was holding himself back, trying to resist the urge to do something to release his anger in an agressive way. "Listen monkey....i don't. Want. To. It's late, i'm tired, i'm now stressed, and i wish that i could literally wrap my fingers around your throat." Frieza now looked more annoyed than angry, his fatigue getting the best of him.

Goku stared at him sympathetically. "But's not usually like you to decline this type of offer! We have a schedule for when we do this, c'mon!" Goku begged, now grabbing a suddenly confused Friezas attention. Frieza turned his eyes to the Saiyan in confused disturbance, before he spoke out slowly. "Did you just say a...schedule?" Goku nodded to him in reply. In that one moment, Frieza actually found himself almost wanting to chuckle as he sat up with his arms crossed, glaring at Goku with intrigue. "We don't have a fucking schedule for this!" Goku then smirked. "Yeah we do! Every week we have at least three to five rounds every other day! Haven't you been counting?" Goku looked at Frieza in question. All Frieza could do was give him a blank stare.

Then, as night birds twiddled outside softly, and a smooth, cool draft made it's way into their bedroom, Frieza found himself back against his pillow. He didn't have much to say about his and Gokus sudden, and rather....disturbing conversation. He intended to sleep and that's what he did. But not before Goku could try one last time in literal desperation to make him change his mind.

Goku huffed in disappointment, as he firmly punched at his pillow in an attempt to fluff it. He then plopped himself down against it as he muttered in a childish tone. "Hmph...maybe i'll have a wet dream then, that'd be fine...!" And so the Saiyan buried himself underneath the bed sheets. But then, he felt a small shuffle behind him, as Frieza turned to glare at him in warning. "I swear to God Goku, if i wake up again in the middle of the night or tomorrow, and i'm sleeping in sticky sheets, i can assure you you'll get SOMETHING shoved up your ass!" Frieza grimaced toxically. But that only made Goku return eye contact, as he held a grin on his face. "ooooh, sounds tempting...." Goku chuckled in slight pervertedness, making Friezas face turn a deep shade of crimson-purple. Frieza scowled in mild embarrassment. "gck-!....why you....!! Hmph!!" And with that, the tired, annoyed, confused, and heated Ice-jin turned himself back over, his back pressed against Gokus.

Goku sighed, chuckling once again. He turned himself over, facing Friezas backside with a smile. He then extended his arms, snaking them around the snow white lizards waist, holding him close. He didn't need to worry about being tossed out of bed, as Frieza was now long fast asleep.

Late Night Needs! A Goku x Frieza oneshot!Where stories live. Discover now