...Right. Wrong. In Between...

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Soft tapping reflected along the alleyway walls as he rushed to the end. Launching himself up, he grabbed the top of the locked gate and scrambled up, feet sliding against the material harshly.

Hands grabbed at his jacket, shoving him to the floor where his face was smashed against the ground. His shades had fallen off and they ripped the mask from his mouth. A pair of eyes glared at the two gang members. "You stole our crate, you fucker."

"Yeah, you mother fucker. Where the hell'd'ja put it?"

Marcus stayed quiet as soft tapping of feet was heard near the entrance. 'Sitara... Sitara...' 

"Yo boss!  We caught the little bastard!"


"Did'ja get the crate from that bitch and her boyfriend?"

'Wrench?! Sitara?!'

"Of course, ye fucks. Let's go, we be taking the fuckboy wit' us."

"Aye, sir."

"Get the fuck up, scumbag!"

Before Marcus could retaliate, they shoved him against the wall. Their boss seemed to get entertainment as he stepped forward, punching him and launching him to the ground. "Let's go, boys. Get t'e little bit' moving before his friends com' at'us."

They shoved him along, holding his arms behind him and kicking him occasionally forward. He wasn't cool with this of course and tried shoving them from him but he was tackled before he could even cry out.

Seven gang members had erupted from the shadows in an instant, tackling him straight to the ground. A soft hiss was heard followed by a yell as a noticeable spray can was placed gently in front of Marcus' eyes.

He grinned and kicked the face of a nearby gang member, alerting the others. Marcus sat up after punching another one away from him. He grabbed a nearby baton and smacked the back of one of their necks, knocking them unconscious. 

Wrench held his phone tightly in one hand, clicking the button as an explosion knocked the others into darkness. Marcus smiled softly at him, a bruise on his cheek and another on his temple yet he still looked like nothing was wrong.

He grabbed his shades and placed them on his face, his mask back over his mouth as Wrench came running up next to him. "Are you okay? You seriously took the beating there. Do we need to go overboard? How many times does this make it, M?! You seriously need to be more careful!"

"Alright, I got it, Sir."

Wrench softly gazed at him before crossing his arms, "I'm coming with you next time."

"Let's get heading back before the cops arrive." Sitara butted in, smiling at the two.

They both nodded at her. Once she turned around, Wrench had his mask off and his lips pressed to Marcus' cheek. A soft click interrupted his actions before he pulled away and he snapped his head towards Sitara.

Sitara grinned devilishly and strutted off, hands crossed behind her head with the camera held tightly in them. Wrench blushed before snapping his mask back on and chasing after her. Marcus laughed, walking after them with a soft smile on his lips.


.DISCONTINUED. {Watch Dogs 2} [Wrencus] (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now