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I walked inside questioning to myself what i wanted to do till i was bombarded with questions left and right

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I walked inside questioning to myself what i wanted to do till i was bombarded with questions left and right. "who was that?" Elly asked "what did she want?" Skye asked "why was she crying" Elly asked. I sat down overwhelmed by everything i didn't know what to answer first who to answer first. I had no clue how to explain any of this to them they never knew him. I had made sure when he left he was never remembered thinking he would never go back. I didn't want to remember him so i never told my friends i went to after he ditched me i meet them and they helped me out of my depression. " Elly..Skye.. I need to tell you something" i said as they both jumped to sit down to listen to me. You could she the curiosity running though there veins as there face lit up with concern but joy as i would be telling them something i never told anyone. " there was a guy a time ago left me for a girl he thought he loved, that was his mom, he is now depressed cause he feels stupid leaving me, and our friendship" i paused to take a deep breath as this would be the hardest part to say and the fact i might end up crying just saying it "she wants me to visit him in the hospital he tried to commit" That's when i broke, my heart felt like it broke onto tiny little glass and i sobbed, not cry..sobbed. They looked at me for a second questioning what to do cause everything kinda came out so fast they didn't know what to do. They then quickly rushed to give me a hug and calm me down. " I'm ...going to visit him" I said struggling to even to say the words but to hear myself say it hurt me more than anything.  Just the thought of realizing how he may look like when I do see him broke my heart. I could never imagine someone I care about so much have something like this happen neither have those kind of thoughts in their head. "do you want us to go with you?" They asked in unison I should do this one alone. Maybe next time, if there is one" I said and headed upstairs. I grabbed my grey hoodie  threw it on, checked my make up and outfit threw on my galaxy vans grabbed my purse and headed back down stairs. "I'll be back guys" I said with reassurance hoping it would calm them down knowing they were worried about the hole thing especially me. I went out to my car and drove. I knew exactly where the hospital because it was only 15 minutes away from my house. I struggled to find a parking spot because the lot was almost full. I had to go to the farthest parking spot there was. I paid for my parking and starting yet it felt like the walk was forever. I finally got to the doors opening and letting others out and getting a "thank you" or nothing at all.  I finally walked in and headed to the main desk. The lady was on the phone so she asked me to sit down till she was done. I walked over to get myself a soda from the vending machines they had. I also grabbed myself a snack because my nerves made me hungry.  I sat till she let me know that she was all set by waving me over and that now I could talk to her. I walked up to the counter lips shivering body shaking slightly were its not noticeable to see but I could feel my body tingle with nerves from head to toe. "could you tell me where Josh Helen's room is?" I asked politely "and you are?" she asked "a friend" I said feeling bad that in a way I was lying through my teeth but if everything goes the way I wanted to it wouldn't be a lie in the end "he's on the third floor room 346" she said and pointed toward the elevator. I walked toward the elevator hit the bottom and waited for it to come to my floor. When it did I let those inside to get out first and I stepped in and let others get in with me "3rd floor for me please" I asked and a kind sir pressed the 3 button for me along with the second assuming he was going to that floor. We got to the third floor finally I was the only one left on the elevator I stepped out and looked where I had to walk to get to Josh's room. I turned to the Left and walked a short of way and he was to the right. The door was shut so I knocked on the door and took a deep breath hoping he would answer. "who is it?" he asked as you could he how sad he has been the past while just in that sentence "Josh, it's Raven" I said still nervous as I could ever be "come in" he struggled saying but he was being polite. I walked into him laying on the bed and then there was just awkward silence..

A/N- It's me again hope you enjoyed another chapter, let me know or at least think about what do you think will happen? will they talk? will it end up bad? will they become friends again? what else could happen? Again taking request and love to hear feed back always. I want you to enjoy reading it as much as I do writing. This has been my favorite and probably my best so far. I try hard on making it detailed so you can relate and can feel the characters so please let me know. Alright loves see you again tomorrow.

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