Real life (8)

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As soon as we drove onto the set Candice and Danielle rushed to us.

"Your so pretty!" Candice said.

"Come with us." Dani said. They both joked their elbows with mine and we rushed to one of their trailers. Once we entered the real girl talk started.

"So you and grant?" Candi said raising her eyebrows. A slight blush appeared on my cheeks.

"How long have you to been a thing?" Dani asked.

"Well we started talking like 4 days ago..." I said trailing off.

"So?" Candi said.

"Have you guys done anything? Sexted? Phone sex? Sex sex? Or is it just like 'I can't wait to see you kissy face kissy face'" Danielle said doing little kissy faces. I burst out laugh, same with Candice.

"I've know you guys for less than 5 minutes and already you wanna know about grant and I's sex life." I laughed. They both gave me a duh look.

"Well the guys are trying to get the same information we are. So just tell us or else they will" Candice threatened playfully.

"Right after I met him, we went back to his apartment and f-" I got interrupted by a phone call. I looked on the phone Misi💕. I held up a shush sign and answered the phone.

"So I just saw a picture that was of you aND GRANT MAKING OUT AT THE AIRPORT!" Misi yelled. The girls could hear and started laughing.

"Whoops?" I questioned jokingly. I could tell she rolled her eyes.

"That's why you went to Vancouver. To fuck grant!" She yelled.

"Done and done" I said to her. The girls looked at each other with a 'I knew it' smirk.

"Ahhhh" misi yelled.

"Well I got to go bye my love" I joked. She said bye and then I hung up.

"I'd say give us the details but I'd never be able to look at grant the same. " Danielle said. Me and Candice laughed.

"Fine by me" I said laughing. We all hung out in Candice's trailer, which I found out before me and grant left. Till we left

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