0 - all fall down

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Heyo! Tis I, Hikari. I'm here with another story for you children. This is a true pokespe story, slightly AU because possible OOCness. Hope you enjoy~


A light breeze blew through the windows of a mid-size house in Snowpoint City. An eleven year old was situated in her room, laying on her bed, reading the local newspaper. Her hair was a deep shade of raven, and her eyes were a lavender-grey.

This girl's name was Moon, a future dexholder. But for now, she was an ordinary girl in Sinnoh, living in peace.

Moon flipped a page from the paper, and saw there was some other articles she didn't see. She got up and ran downstairs.

"Mom!" She yelled. "Is the front of the paper down there?"

"Yes, honey." Her mother replied, and Moon nodded and lifted it off it's place on the table. She ran upstairs and situated herself on the bed. Again.

She sighed, then looked at the headline in alarm. Moon gasped. She never expected that to happen.

In blaring black print, the words spelled out the news that started the domino effect.

"Champion Demoted of Status, Now Facing Exile"


That was two years ago.

I don't understand why they fell apart. They didn't deserve it, for all the good they've done.

But I guess I don't know the full story, do I?



Moon had been relaxing in the lobby of the Pokemon center until a voice called her out from her thoughts and she looked to see Sun standing over her.

"Hi." She greeted, looking at him expectantly. Sun sighed, then plopped down next to her and pointed to the TV. Moon stared at it for a second.

"Why..." She started. Then it hit her what the headlines were saying.

"Viridian child missing! Search parties underway...."

Moon drowned out the news and stared at the ground in horror before leaning back. Sun stared at her worriedly.


It's gotten worse.

All the pieces falling apart. Not one cares.

Unless you count me and him. We're worried.

What happens if the world needs them?


Moon looked out on the ocean. It was calm, unlike the world around them. She sat down near the edge, staring at the horizon blankly.

It all seemed so perfect here, not like the other regions. They accepted that there was no hope and moved on.

That was impossible for Moon. How could they lose hope in some of Earth's greatest heroes like that?

Shattered Glass: A Pokespe FanficWhere stories live. Discover now