Chapter 6

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Vic's POV

I don't know exactly what happened this morning but when I got home Kellin had texted me saying he was picking up Marie. Mike's dropping off Hermione so he and Tony can have... um, adult time.

It was thirty minutes till Mike dropped off H, and ten more before Kellin got here with Marie. When the two saw each other they squeaked and ran to hug. It was cute.

"Missed each other?" Kellin giggled. They nodded."Can we watch a movie?!"

"Which movie?"

"Marie do you like Big Hero 6?" H asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "I've never seen it. We can watch it." H gasped and put it in. "Would you like popcorn?" I laughed at the two who were laying on each other.



I nodded and got up, Kellin followed after me. When we were in the kitchen he took a deep breath. "So, um, my friends think it'd be best if I told you now, on why... y'know?" He was being very awkward and it was so fucking adorable.

I nodded slightly. "You don't have to."

"We're going to court with what happened to Marie. Showing video evidence of what he's done to me and other people. But after the trial, which is in two weeks, Marie and I, we're leaving. We're going to California, with my grandparents. What Marie doesn't know and what caused Justin to throw his phone is that they're locking me up in a mental institution. I don't know when I'll get out, or even if I will get out. So I don't really wanna end up starting something, or catching feelings, just to be tour away from it. Y'know it's already hard enough. Why make it harder?" He explained, his eyes were watering. He didn't want to sent away.

"Why are you going to California? Can't you be Marie's legal guardian?" I questioned. He shook his head. "They won't let me.  I'm insane, didn't you know? Because of shit that I've been pushed to do, I can't be responsible for my little sister or myself, even though I've gotten better." Tears fell from his face and he used the sleeve to wipe it. He was hysterical. I just pulled him into a hug, "I'm sorry." I whispered.

He squeezed me tightly as he let out a weep. "Can we do it? Like what happens, happens. At least we could enjoy it while it lasts, then long distance." I said quietly.

"What do you mean?" He pulled away and wiped his eyes. "Well... Um." I looked around. Thank god for Jaime's third wheel-ness, I bought flowers for him in the best friend way. I picked two out of the vase and stuck out my hand while getting on my knee. He let out a giggle and covered his mouth.

"Will you be my boyfriend? No matter what happens, even after your trial."  I asked.

He nodded softly while laughing silently before taking the flowers. I stood up and hugged him. He hugged tighter before bursting out laughing. "My nipples!" His laughter held a little pain.

"Oh god."

"I was forced into it. The second these three days are over they're out." He clarified and stuck out his tongue. It has a medal bar in it.

"That's weird"

He laughed as the microwave timer went off. He jumped at it and I died laughing.

He pouted at me and I took a step closer to him. "May I now?" He didn't respond in any other way besides stepping up and pulling me by my sides. There's was no space between us besides our faces and his flowers were against my side.

My hands trailed up to his neck and around his side. "You're so small, you need to eat more." I commented.

"It's a heath disorder. I don't even know what it's called but i used to takemedicine for it." He rolled his eyes. "Oh. I'm sorry."

I Wouldn't Change A Thing (Kellin Quentes)Where stories live. Discover now