14. Starting Again, Right Here, Right Now

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**Lucy's POV**

On our way to my mansion, Erza picked up the still unconscious Wendy while all the babies started crying so we ended up sprinting the last length of the hour walk to my estate.

**3rd POV**

The boys were on there way back from some mysterious journey. Nobody knew where they went but they came back with crucial cuts and bruises, possibly broken bones. They entered the principals office only to see, Makarov, sipping from his coffee mug. "Hey Master!" Natsu tried to wave but his arm fell limp. He winced at the pain. "Where have you been?!" Makarov questioned them sounding slightly annoyed, eyebrows twitching.

"U-uuhh.... 'Ya see.... We were..." Sting stuttered but was cut off by Laxus. "Somewhere that doesn't concern you Gramps!" Laxus snapped back at his grand father. "It surely concerned the girls though..." Makarov trailed off. "Oh yeah! Weren't they due to have kids an a couple of weeks?" Natsu asked, dumbfounded.

**Makarov's POV**

"No Natsu. My teachers would have told me and I would have noticed anyway!" I lied horribly, but the boys were out of it so they were convinced. He thought, which scared me... he never thinks! "Natsu, stop thinking! You might hurt yourself!" I warned him. He just shrugged and walked out if my office, all of the other boys following in suit.

**Erza's POV**

We made it into the mansion and I quickly sat Wendy on the cream curvy couch.

We made it into the mansion and I quickly sat Wendy on the cream curvy couch

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Lucy showed us to a nursery... seriously!? A NURSERY!? IN A HOUSE!?!?

**Time Skip, Because changing babies is boring!**

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**Time Skip, Because changing babies is boring!**

When we had all put the babies to sleep in the nursery, Lucy showed us the rooms.

There was Lucy's room,

There was Lucy's room,

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