The insecurity she felt about her body and the confidence she'd lack.
She made a stupid choice which ended with love bites everywhere and scratches down her back.
She'd look into the mirror and would think what a waste of space. She'd think no one would ever like her because of her ugly face.
People would tell her she's beautiful and an amazing girl. They would say she is perfect and has a purpose in this world.
She didn't believe what they said and did some stupid things. She didn't treat herself right and didn't see the beauty with in.
A certain guy came around and took advantage of her. She let it all happen because she though shed never get anyone better.
She made a dumb mistake and knew he didn't wear a rubber. In nine months time her life might change and she might just be a mother.
One mistake can lead to another.
PoésieOne mistake leads to another which can change you life forever!