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Status: Edited

Yoon Mika

Weeks have passed since then, and I have adjusted to living my life here since there is no escape and  also I met the other princes during the gathering. The 3rd Prince, Wang Yo, when I first saw him—my head began to hurt, it felt as if someone was constricting it with multiple ribbons! The 8th Prince, Wang Wook with his wife, Myung Hee. When I saw them, I thought Hae Soo was going to be with them but it seems that she wasn't allowed because she had other things to tend to.Anyways, moving on. Next was the 9th Prince, Wang Won. He was very cunning with the ladies, scooping them over with his words. Next up, we have the adorable 10th Prince, Wang Eun. He was very playful in my perspective.

Next was the 13th Prince, Baek Ah. The way I met him was so unexpected. I never imagined such a scenario.

Next was the 14th Prince, Wang Jung. He was a quiet lad who was always playing with the adorable 10th Prince. It was as if they were twins that were born separately!

After that little incident with Baek Ah, I completely turned my ninja mode on to avoid him. He was walking all around trying to look for me. Calling out, "Flute Player", every once in awhile.

I remember that the 4th Prince wasn't there, meaning he was still in Shinju. Meaning the cold wind hasn't begun yet. Thank god, I listened durin Korean History Class.

I groaned into my pillow as those thoughts rumaged through my mind. The head maid, Hyorin, came in with my tray.

"Say, Hyorin? Are we close with the Hae family?" I ask out of the blue. Hae Family? Who're they? The sudden splurting of words that came from my mouth shocked me internally. How'd I know who they were? Maybe there were still some memories of this girl in me.

"Yes, we are. Are you by chance talking about Lady Soo?" She questioned. I slowly nodded my head. "She had an accident and she was acting like how you acted a few weeks ago." She explained.  Does that mean she could be from the future too?

"Really? Is she okay now?" I ask, pretending to not know what happened to her.

After all these thoughts and me eating. My sister, Hyorin and I went to town to check out some herbs. We entered the small shop and looked at the spices and herbs that were arranged. The mixture of the herbs were circulating around the small shop. As we were about to leave, a man ran off with the things we bought. I chased after him, there were silver coins in the bag. "Milady! Come back here!" Hyorin shouted, while my sister was panicking.

"Jang Mi, get back here!" Ra Mi screamed. I still know some martial arts, I could use them here.

After a long while of chasing and me hurting my ankle, I finally cornered the thief—or so I thought I did. A group of bandits came from above and surrounded me. Backing slowly into the wall, I was shaking. Two men got a hold of me. "L-Let me go!" I said, but I was not pleading. "Strip her." One of them said, my eyes widened as those words came out of his mouth. I was struggling but I couldn't make my move. All of them had weapons. A guy stepped forward, I assume he was the leader of their group. He grabbed my chin as I was being held by the two men.

"You'll do well in that gisaeng house. But first, let us have our way with you."He said, creepily. He took a closer step towards me and began to undress the upper half of my dress.

Mika, scream! Ask for help! My mind told me.

"H-Help! Someone!" I squeaked out, just then I heard one of the men groan, the bandits were taken aback by the noise their comrade made. 

Two men with swords came in. I assume they were nobles by the way they were dressed. They slowly took them out one by one until the three of them were left. I was still being held back and I was on the verge of crying. The leader came closer to me and held his sword by my neck. I wanted to scream and cry. My eyes were watery so I could not see the two men who were fighting against the bandits.

"Take a step closer, and the girl gets it." The leader said, Oh god. Please help.

Just then the two looked at eachother and dropped their swords. Oh god, please dont leave me.

"That's it. " He moved the sword away from my neck and he dashed forward in their direction. They easily dodged it and settled him down with a kick. The two bandits who were holding me got scared and ran off. I got the bag and I fell unto the ground crying.

I looked up and saw Baek Ah and Wang Jung—what are they doing here? Arent they suppose to be at the palace?

Tears continued to flow as I was very scared because I experienced a near death situation once again.

"H-Hey, are you okay?" Wang Jung asked, crouching down to my level as I was on the ground still.

I shook my head as my reply bwcause words cannot come out of my mouth. "I-It's you. I've been looking for you." Baek Ah said once again before he crouched down to my level aswell.

"Can you stand up?" He asked, I tried to stand but my ankle felt alot worst and I fell to the ground again. "I'll take that as a no. "

"Are you from the Yoon Clan?" Wang Jung asked, as he looked at my hair. I nodded in response.

"Jang Mi! Oh, Jang Mi! Where are you?" I heard Hyorin's voice scream from afar. I tried to scream that I was here but I couldnt because it came out as a squeak. "She's here." Baek Ah shouted.

I then heard the heavy footsteps come in our direction. There stood my sister and Hyorin. "Oh, Jang Mi! I told you not to go after it!" Ra Mi scolded me as she crouched down to my level hugging me. Ra Mi noticed the two princes who were standing behind me. "Your Highnesses, what are you doing here?" She asked

But, I finally spoke up. "They saved me."

With those words, my sister and Hyorin began to bow to show thwir gratitude towards the princes. "Thank you for saving my sister! As gratitude please come over to our household for some tea!" She bowed once again. The two princes nodded and agreed it.

"But here's the thing, Your sister—can't stand or walk. I think she twisted her ankle." Baek Ah answered. "I'll carry her-" Rami tried to retaliate.

"No, you're a lady. You musn't do these kind of things" Wang Jung said. "My older brother will carry her." Wang Jung said, proudly. Baek Ah seemed to be flustered. "N-No, Your Highnesses. You musn-" She was cut off by Baek Ah's "No no's, Miss Yoon."

"I'll escort you, home." Baek Ah said to me as he tried to hoist me up to which he did fairly quickly. He carried me bridal style and said, "My, you're as light as a feather, Jang Mi" He said, as he smiled at me.

My face turned red from his smile. I looked at My sister and Hyorin who were silently laughing along with Wang Jung. I hid my face in Baek Ah's sleeves to which he was taken aback.Oh mygod they did not just—

"Hold tight, Jang Mi." He said to me as he wrapped my arms around his neck. "I don't want you falling off." He joked.

Baek Ah, please at this rate—I might actually get swayed.

Authors Note:

Oh wow, two chapters in one day! Yaaaaaay! Ohhhhhhh! What an exciting chapter! What do you guys think about this? Comment your thoughts.

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