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As much as my pastime with Jordan included passing retorts at each other, our churning stomachs placed a truce between us.

Slumped on the sofa, we watched the TV, where food commercials were certainly not helping with our emerging hunger and salivating mouths. However, as the door clicked and revealed Dad dressed in his chef's uniform, both of us ran for the dining chairs without care.

And the zucchini noodles Mom had prepared previously were all attacked at once. Not only was it still warm, the avocado pesto was melting into my tongue, its creamy texture appeasing my taste buds all at once. However, describing the usually amazing food was last in my priorities; I just needed to eat and that was all.

"Look at both of you, eating as though you haven't been fed for days." Dad chuckled, finding our actions amusing. "Marina, why won't you just let them eat dinner first?"

"It's a tradition in the family that we all have dinner at the same time," Mom reasoned, dismissing his regards. "Besides, Jordan might end up finishing your portions."

While Jordan continued relishing his dinner, he narrowed his eyes at the noodles like it was its fault for his huge appetite. I choked on my laughter while I was chewing on my own food, and his darkened eyes quickly glittered at me. Huffing, he shook his head as he used his escape route: his phone.

Speaking of which, I briefly glanced at my own for any new notifications. At least, one or two texts from the girls or even Mark would be enough, but my heart promptly sank to find a completely blank screen.

I should have expected this, though. With the regional tournaments closing in, tons of rehearsals swarmed Mark and Naomi's schedule to the core. Aly volunteered to help with the practice, while Sam juggled her duties with the student council. On the other hand, at this time Edward was still doing his shift—I would not be even surprised if he managed to work overtime again.

Slurping the final strands of my chewy noodles, I leaned back on my chair and glanced at the ceiling, my mind shifted towards Seb and Lynn and their whereabouts. Lynn was obviously with her basketball team, while Seb... I believed he mentioned he had some work after school.

Looking back at my phone, I realized I neither saved nor asked for their numbers—their names were absent from my contacts. When we meet, let that serve as a reminder to request them tomorrow.

Depositing my empty dish into the sink and gulping a glass of water, I contemplated on how all of my friends had their own special interests. Well, it was not like I did not have my own—I could help Mom and Dad prepare ingredients for tomorrow, and while doing so, I could ask Dad for recipes for his pastries. With that, perhaps I could finally be inspired to develop some of my own.

But... I have some homeworks and a long biology project to finish—

"You're so restless when your boyfriend doesn't text you." My great and wonderful brother decided to mutter this out as he curled his lips to form a smirk. The worst thing was that I was still drinking my water, so I nearly burst everything out.

"Sheesh, I told you, he's not my boyfriend!" I whispered loudly as I impulsively slammed the empty glass into the sink, rattling the entire plates and pans. Thankfully, Mom and Dad didn't seem to catch that.

"So, why do you look as though you're disappointed?" He interrogated, following me into the living room. What the heck is up with him today? Did he usually not give a damn about me?

"I thought you said you're not the type to poke their noses into someone's business. Change your mind?" I forced a smile.

"I know I shouldn't care," Jordan breathed. "But I have something to tell you."

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