A Shirtless Surprise

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I'm soo sorry for not updating for such a long time. I'm very slow at updates. And shout out to, 



Toshi and Sally just finished decorating Toshi's room. Toshi smiled at his and Sally's work, it was an orange and black themed room. Sally hugged Toshi and looked up at him, "Your room looks great!" She commented, Toshi's smile widened and hugged her back. "Thank you" He thanked her and kissed her forehead making her blush madly and bury her face in his sweater. Toshi giggled at Sally's embarrassment.

Sally's P.O.V

After he kissed me on my forehead, my heartbeat quickened and my cheeks grew hot. I covered my face in his sweater making him giggle which made my heart beat faster that I could faint. I don't know what I feel about him, but he just makes feel that way. We separated from the hug then suddenly I got a call from Daddy in my head. Sally dear, can you meet me in my office please? 'Sure, I'll be there in a minute.' I sighed and looked at Toshi who was looking at me. Even though I can't see his eyes, because of his bangs, I can tell by his worried smile that he's concerned. "Is something wrong Sally?" He asked me with his head tilting a bit like a cute puppy. "It's nothing it's just Daddy called me I'll see you later at dinner." I said as I was walking to the door which was painted with orange and black zig-zag stripes. He nodded "Okay see you later~ Sally~." He purred while waving his sweater hand as the door shut close. I blushed a little and thought 'how are doing this Toshi?' before heading to Daddy's office.

Toshi's P.O.V

As Sally left my room, I grabbed my bags that I didn't unpack yet because I was sleepy and didn't unpacked them. After I unpacked my clothes and devices into my draws and closet. I went to my storage trunk and opened it, I smiled at a special bag, that had special objects in it. I gently placed those special items in the trunk. I closed the trunk and got up. "What to do now, hmm?" I looked down at myself, "It's been while since I took a shower... a warm one at least. Might as well take one." I took off my sweater, through on my bed and went into the bathroom.

Sally's P.O.V

I knocked on Daddy's office door and heard him say come in I opened the door to see him sitting at his desk working on his paper work until he saw me. He set his paper work down and gestured me to sit down on one the chairs in front of the desk, which I did. Sally, tomorrow night I want you to take Toshiyuki out on a killing spree. "Sure, but why?" I asked with a confused expression. I have a surprise welcoming party for him to celebrate his coming in this home. I smiled big and jumped out my seat. "That's awesome I can't wait to see his reaction when we get back!" Daddy chuckled. Now settle down we don't want him to know now do we. I shook my head and giggled. You can leave now Sally. I nodded my head and exited out of the room. As I walked down the hallway, I realized that I left Charlie in Toshi's room, Snap! I hurried down the hall to Toshi's room, only to bump into BEN. He caught me before I fell on the floor. "Woah, where are you going in such a hurry, Sal?" He asked in amused tone setting me back on my feet as panted a bit. "I pant left Charlie in pant pant Toshi's room." I responded catching my breath. BEN grinned and chuckled, "Okay and when get there tell your boyfriend it dinner time." He said empathizing the word boyfriend making me blush and huff. "He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled at him before quickly walking away from him. Only to hear him laugh making me blush deeper and quicken my pace.

Time Skip brought to by Toshiyuki spraying BEN with a water gun~

I was in front of Toshi's door and knocked, only hearing a soft come in. I opened the door, entered, and turned around to close the door. "I'm sorry to disturb you Toshi, but I forgot Charlie and..." As I turned around my jaw dropped at the sight of Toshi. He was shirtless and had a towel to dry his hair with. But that was not what got me speechless it was that he was built, he had a six pack and muscles he looked like swimsuit model that Uncle Trender showed me last time he visited. What made it worst that when he drying his hair, his arms were flexing. I was fighting myself from having nose bleed. Toshi noticed my staring and smirked. "Like what you see?" He asked with a slight purr breaking me out of my trance. I covered my eyes and turned around with me red as a tomato. "I'm so sorry!" I apologized, but I didn't hear anything only felt a warm embrace from behind. "Oh it's fine, I was just teasing you and here's Charlie, he was great company with Kuro." He said from behind and had Charlie in front of me when I opened my eyes. I carefully took Charlie out of Toshi's hands and hugged him. I turned around to see Toshi in his black tank top and about to put his striped sweater. "Well... I-I going to leave and d-dinner's ready." I said as I walked out, I heard him say 'Okay' before closing the door. I took a deep breath trying to control my blush, but I could still feel it. 'What is this feeling?' It's called love~ Charlie said. I gasped and shook Charlie, "Charlie shush!" I told him as laughed. But I gotta say Kuro is one nice looking bear, haha. I sighed and walked downstairs to eat.

Third P.O.V

During dinner, everyone would ask Sally if she was okay cause of her blushing. And her reply would be a glance at Toshi, blush and bury her face into Charlie, and a quick 'I'm fine' to everyone else, while Toshi giggled and ate. Confusing everyone too.


What did you guys think was it too much or was too little~ 

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Well bye guys and thanks for reading.

XOXO Shingi

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