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I vividly remember the last normal day, the last day that I had the chance to be with my friends and family. It was like any other school night, parties. I wasn't one to go to them but my friends always forced me to come along — I'm so glad they did.
My friends were the funniest, happiest, most upbeat people you could ever meet although they tormented me over my crush I loved them.

It was a pretty fun but timid night, I danced throughout the whole night. I remember bumping in to my lifelong crush, Ben Parish. We were talking for no longer than a hour, we spoke about everything under the sun. It ended with "I actually got to go, I'll see you tomorrow Anaya!" His charming smile left me star struck and my friends laughing for the rest of the night. I actually felt we were going somewhere. But now, he's probably dead like the other billions of people that have passed. Wether it was from the deadly disease or the natural disasters that took place, he most defiantly will be dead.

Now I spend my days in the forest, trying to find my way to the camp haven. The most I eat a day is a apple and some pudding pots I stole from someone's house, not that they were going to eat them.

The bus left me behind as I was trying to find my dad, he had my inhaler. But instead of just getting my inhaler, I witnessed him getting shot to death. I've been following the roads for a few days, but my chances of finding the camp are the lowest they have been,

I continued to walk on the never ending road, without water and food my energy had taken a toll on me. I stumbled upon thousands of cars, all damaged completely. "Sorry" I spat out after bumping into another broken car, most of the cars contained children; dead children, and luggage most of it had been rummaged through and some cars were just burnt to a crisp. I then realised that I had only just missed a wire, I leaned forward to touch it.

Bang, bang.

I fell back as the bullet pierced through my skin, I had been shot. The agonising pain ricocheted back and forth throughout my body. My eyes were closing & my lips became dry, "H-help" I cried silently, I wiped away my tears and tied back my hair into a pony tail. I took in a deep breath before slashing my wound with alcohol, I rapped a thick bandage around my hip.
The pain pushed me back but not far enough, I had to keep going for my mom and my dad. I had to.

As I was walking past the same old trees, I noticed a gate a similar gate I was showed at school. The Army Base. The army base that all the rescued children were.

I made my way down to the gate, "hello? I'm one of the children that was supposed to arrive on the bus" I said to the solider standing at the gate.

He nodded and began speaking to someone on his phone type thing. "You may enter, follow me" he said strictly, everyone looked at me in a strange way like I was one of the Others. My wounded hip was the main target for the young ones eyes, non looked pleased with what they saw.

I followed him into the nearby building, "get your number, when you hear your number come to us" he commanded.
They must still be taking children in; I was given the number 389, waited a few minutes until my number was finally read out.

"Follow me" he yelled.

I was taken into a small bright room where a woman was standing, "hello there, my name is Reznik" she said flatly. I winced as she held out her hand, "oh well would you look at that, Bambi has a hurt hip!-" She sarcastically frowned. "Well we don't want poor Bambi to be hurt any longer!" She continued,

They took me into another room, where I changed into a hospital gown trying to prepare for whatever they were going to do to me. "Don't worry!" She paused and wiped the sharp needle with a cloth "you won't feel a thing!" She grabbed me by the shoulder blade and pushed me down on to the bed.

The needle pressed into my skin, and my eyes slowly began to close.

"Anaya, let's play i spy!" Anaya's mother smiled, as she attempted to calm the five year old Anaya down.
"Yay, you start!" Anaya smiled, the tears now fading.
"I spy with my little eye something beginning with, L!" mother chuckled.
"Lolly pop?" Anaya questioned.
"Love, it's all around you!"

Love is always with you, Anaya.
Sometimes it's hard to find it, but don't you worry it will find you.


New fan fiction!! I really hope you enjoy this, and thank you for 10k on my Scott McCall fan-fiction I'm so proud! [THIS HAS BEEN WROTE ON MY PHONE]
+ this will be added to, so it won't be as short.
, Kady🐚

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