i n t e r v i e w

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Y'all I did my nails so sorry if theres any spelling mistakes cuz Im getting used to typing with these.

S y n c l a i r

"Okay, thank you very much."

I turn around to Ricky who is currently looking at me with disapointment.

"You know what your getting into, right? When something happens to your ass, I ain't saving it."

"You won't have to safe anything bacause I'll be fine." He scoffs and walks away.

I walk into the kitchen and start dinner. On the way their, I plug in my phone to the Aux cord and play H.I.M. Wings of a Butterfly come on and Ricky smiles. I playfully roll my eyes and get out the ingredients.

The house phone rings and Ricky picks up. After a few words he hangs up.

"Why?" I turn around to face him.

"What you mean?"

"Hoppkins Hill called. I told you that interveiw is too dangerous." I roll my eyes and continue to drain the pasta.

"Ricky, I'll be fine. They have top knoch sercurity and nothing too bad has happened there in fifty years. I'll be okay." He sighs rubbing his temples like he does when he's stressed.

I turn back and start to pour the sauce into the pasta.

"I know! I'll go with you!" I nearly jump out of my skin.

"Jesus, do you have to yell? What, no. Your not. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

He gives me a 'really' look.

"Yeah that's what you said yesterday but ended up fracturing your pinky."

"It's not my fault you let me carry heavy things."

"You were carrying a book! How heavy can it be?" He starts laughing and I through a piece of garlic at him.

"Ahh! It burns." I roll my eyes at the man-child.

"Okay Drac, food's ready." I serve our plates and In Love and Loneliness plays.

Ricky's mood saddens.

"Hey, you okay?" I lay a hand on his arm, tracing his tattoos.

"Yeah, just. Jamie." I stand up amd give him a hug. He sniffles a bit but picks himself up again. Ps i have nothing against her its just for the story.

"On the bright side, Chris is coming over with Balz and Ryan. Oh! Are we still watching Toronto and Casper over the weekend?"

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. Though, I don't think Dexter is." We laugh and look over to Ricky's cat that lays peacefully on the couch.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you, though?"

"Ricky, I'll be fine. If it'll make you feel better, I talk to Ryan about watching through the one-way."

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