No Scars To Your Beautiful

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Hinata Shouyo happily wolfed down his food, putting two pieces of meat into his mouth with no regard whatsoever. The other members of the Karasuno Volleyball Boy's team, along with the other players from different schools, the adults and the girls, didn't mind as they also enjoyed their own share of food.

After another week of intense practice with the other volleyball teams, the coaches and teachers decided to once again reward the players for their hard work.

You talked animatedly with Yachi sitting beside you before looking down on your plate and realized you already finished that single piece of meat you allowed yourself that day. Silently, as to not get anyone's attention, you continued to talk to Yachi while casually placing your empty plate on the stack of other plates on a table near you.

Apparently, you weren't that stealthy enough.

Hinata was beside you, mouth still full of meat as he asked, "Eh? [Name]-shan, wash shat orr you gonna eat?"

You tensed visibly and you nervously laughed at Hinata. "A-ah, ye-yeah. I was kinda full already so I couldn't eat another bite." You held a hand to your stomach and it felt like it wanted to say otherwise.

Kageyama joined in, thankfully speaking without his mouth being full. "Is something wrong, [Name]-san? There's plenty of meat here. Usually, you'd be scarfing down the meat just the same as Hinata."

"Shey! You're jush ash worsh ash me, ya know!"

Yachi watched as your shoulders slumped in dejection at his words. She abruptly turned to the brilliant (not so much at the moment) setter and scolded him. "Kageyama-kun! You shouldn't say that to a girl!"

Eyebrows shot up in surprise, Kageyama quickly stuttered out an apology.

You smiled, although it did not reach your eyes as you told Kageyama that it was all right and he had nothing to be sorry about. "If I wasn't so full, I'd have challenge both you and Hinata for a showdown, you know," you joked to lighten up the mood. Kageyama relaxed but you realized you were gaining a bit of an audience as you looked around.

Then your eyes met with piercing golden ones that made your breath hitch and your knees weaken. He was the last person you wanted to have any form of contact right now and you needed to think of a plan to get away.

You spotted the used plates on the nearby table. "All right, I'm just gonna bring these to the sink," you said as you carefully held the stack of dirty plates. Yachi offered to help, as did Kageyama, but you turned them down saying you were fine. Which you weren't, emotionally and physically.

Eager to get out of sight, you headed straight to the kitchen. Carefully, you set the plates on the sink. The others were just outside, their chatter muffled by the walls as you hunched over the counter, your hands gripping the edge of the sink.

Clearly, you were being pathetic. You lied to your friends and made them worry then avoided the people closest to you all because you let yourself get worked up over a laughable attempt at bullying just because you were close to the rising herd of dreamboys that was the Karasuno Volleyball Boy's team.

You didn't want to let it get to you but the insecurities ate at your self-esteem, leaving you fearful of what the boys, even Yachi and Shimizu-senpai, now thouht of you.

Friendship to you was precious and, as you gripped at the edge of the sink harder, losing them would undoubtedly leave you lonely and vulnerable and you didn't want that.


You jerked upright at the sound of your name. Your back was faced to the person that just spoke but you knew who it was. You fixed a smile before turning to him. "Hey."

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