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"Katia! Glad you could make it!" Scotty called as I walked into the club and sat at a table with the men.
"Are you going to get a drink, Katia?" Pavel asked me, and I smiled.
"Yes I am. You want a wodka?" I asked, and he laughed.
"You know me too well, Katia." He said. I walked to the bar, and sat next to a man with short brown hair. It wasn't until he turned towards me that I realised it was Jim.
"Ah! Jim!" I said, and he smiled at me.
"What drink do you want, beautiful? It's on me." He winked at me again.
"I'll have a wodka, please." I told him, and he ordered it for me. I then ordered another vodka for Pavel, and took it back to him, before returning to the bar to chat with Jim.
"So, Katia, how are you?" He asked me.
"I'm good. I had Keenser in today, with a strange cold." I said, and he laughed.
"That sounds strange." He said, and I giggled too. "How's your drink?"
"Great, zank you." I said. Jim continued to flirt with me, and eventually, we were both fairly drunk. Sulu, Scotty, and Bones had left, and Pavel was just about to leave.
"Are you okay, Katia? You look a bit drunk..." Pavel asked.
"I'm fine, Pavel." I said, and he nodded.
"I'll escort her home later, Chekov. She's safe with me." Jim chimed in.
"Okay, Keptin Kirk! I'll see you around, Katia!" He said, and left the club. Jim took me back to his room, and we chatted for a while, until things started to get a little bit spicy. He kissed me, and I kissed him back, before we were quickly undressing, and you can guess what happened next.

"Katia? Katia, are you ok? You fell over!" Jim said, and I laughed.
"I'm fine, Jim. Where are we?" I asked, and looked around, to see snow and ice everywhere.
"We're at home, silly! Tabatha, bring me a plaster! Mommy's cut her knee!" He called, and a little girl with perfect blue eyes and curly brown hair ran out to us. I looked at her, confused. Is she meant to be my child? Jim put a plaster on my knee, and took me for a walk. And suddenly, we were in a field, filled with flowers of various colours.

And then I woke up. I looked next to me, and Jim was laying there, sound asleep. That was a strange dream, though. I got up, put on my underwear and stole one of the shirts out of Jim's closet and put it on. I didn't feel like putting my navy dress on again. I picked up my phone, and called Jenna.
"Katia? Where are you?" She asked.
"I'm at Keptin Kirk's house. We got a bit drunk last night, and..." I stopped.
"Do you like him? He's hella cute, Katia! What happened?" She asked me, and I sighed.
"I slept with him, Jenna." I muttered, and she gasped.
"Holy crap! Really?" She asked, and started laughing.
"It was just a one night stand. He is definitely cute though." I said. And I heard Jim getting up.
"Ok, I have to go. See you later, Jenna." I whispered, and hung up. Jim walked around the corner, and smiled at me.
"That was pretty good last night, you know. And you suit that shirt." He noted.
"Zanks. Jim, will you tell my brozer?" I asked. He shook his head, and I sighed with relief.
"Good." I said, and he ran his fingers through his hair. He looked so good, even with bed head, and just his underwear on. I cooked him breakfast, and put on my dress before sitting with him for a while.
"So... what was Soviet Russia like?" He asked me, keen to know about my background.
"Umm... it was wery cold. And snowy." I giggled. We talked for a while, until my phone buzzed, with a reminder that I was meant to take Jenna out in half an hour.
"Shit." I muttered, and pulled on my shoes before saying goodbye to Jim and running out of his apartment. Until I ran into my brother again.
"Ah, Katia! Sleep well?" He asked me.
"Um... yes. Jim let me stay at his, as he didn't trust me to go home on my own." I said, and blushed a bit.
"Good. I'll zank him later. Have a nice day, Katia! Oh, and mother wants you to call her at some point. She spoke to me last night." He said, and skipped off. I pulled out my phone and called mother on my way back to my room.

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