love [topic]

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pieces of advice on love. one from each of us.


you need to understand love, before you can truly experience it. you need to know what it means to love, and to be loved. you can't wake up one day and say "i love you" to someone. love is falling slowly into a pit of hope. love is compassion, and caring, and unconditional. you need to know the differences between crushes, a like, and actual, true love.
Jesus loves you, and that's how you need to feel. You need to put them before yourself in everyday, in absolutely every way, and if you do it right, you'll find you've gotten yourself into the most amazing, and least frustrating paradox ever, because whoever you've given your heart to, if they love you back, you'll have their heart to replace yours


Love. It can be like a difficult, non ending roller coaster. You can't meet somebody and instantly say that you're in love with them. The real world is unfortunately not like the princess movies that we grew up watching. You need to actually get to know the person and trust him/ her before you use such a powerful word. Trust has always been the key to any kind of relationship. Once you find that perfect someone, who treats you the way you feel comfortable with, then you're okay. You need to promise yourself that you would do anything for him/ her and they'll do the same.


love is hard guys. its not easy. like hallie said, love is not like in the movies where you just fall in love and get the one you'll love for the rest of your life. for me, i've had many love related situations and they were NOT easy. so i had to just listen to my heart. do what your heart tells you. it leads you to the right path of life. but not all love is the same, remember that.


Personally, I've never been in love before. But, I know a bit about it I guess.
My opinion on it is that it can be a wonderful or terrible thing. Well, not terrible, more like dangerous.
Before you decide for sure that you love someone, you need to know if it's going to have a good affect on you or not. If you know that the person is going to hurt you in the end, then you probably shouldn't fall in love with them. But, I know you can't really control your feelings. (I'd know 😂)
My mom and dad have always given me the exact same advice all my life.
"God will bring the right guy/girl into your life at the right time."
So sometimes, you just need to trust that the right person will come.


There are many different types of love through my eyes. Platonic, family and romantic love are the main ones or possibly the only ones. Not that sure as I'm not too familiar with love itself. People say you have to love yourself before you can love anybody else. I evidentially don't agree with that, as I love many beings. Not quite the romance type of person, so I'll probably have to take a couple of years for that to register. I haven't quite taught myself to love myself, but loving others takes my focus off how much I can hate myself at times. Love is important and you should spread it even through the hardest of times. Learn to love and try your best to love yourself. Get all the advice you can get on love as it is beautiful in every way. Remember somebody out there loves you in someway out there; alive or not. Romantic love can wait, don't get too caught up in it. The right guy/girl will be out there for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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