presidential election [topic]

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What we all think about the election this year!

Blah. That's what I think. Blah.
Today is currently election day and I'm so happy all of this crap is going to be over.

i don't really care to be honest, both of them are bad. i agree with trumps points about illegal immigrants and stuff, but there is really no need to be in fear of your life at this moment, because one, he has to answer to congress and stuff, and two, he has no power until he is inaugurated next January. He needs to voice his opinions better, because when he speaks, he doesn't sound like an adult. He needs to get his thoughts together professionally. Hillary is okay, but she supports abortion, and has done some very extreme things, which I do not support. She has too much faith in other countries.

I don't know what I think. It's just been... ugh. I think Trump is so insensitive and he's just completely selfish, don't get me started with the wall.. I don't know what I think about Hillary, but I honestly think that she would be better. It's gonna be over in a few hours, so yeah..

I want Trump to win. Reasons why Hillary sucks: She got rapists off the hook, she let people die in Bengazi, she's for abortion (killing babies!), she is for letting refugees in (who could be potential terrorists. It isn't safe for us Americans), she might raise minimum wage (Prices will go higher, but the middle class won't get extra money. That will just screw us.), she hid her health problems (Who knows what else she's hiding?), she offended people like me by calling half of Trump's supporters deplorable, and the Clinton Foundation payed for Chelsea's wedding.

Honestly guys, I'm from Canada. So as long as it doesn't affect me, I don't really care.
However, Trump gives me an uneasy feeling. He seems like the kind of guy that would bomb my country over an orange or something.
Hillary and Trump both disgust me. They spend no time on their campaigns, they just argue.
God makes everything happen for a reason, so I hope and pray that he'll give Donald the wisdom to be a good leader.
I vote Mr. Squirrels as president!

(after the election) tbh i wanted hillary to win. i hope trump gets assassinated. like why would you vote for trump? hes a total idiot! anyways i can rant on and on and never stop so ill save u guys from that xD #i'mstillwithher

It's now after he election and I'm extremely disappointed in our country. I mean I get we have to suck it up and go, and I also understand why people dislike Hillary but compared to Donald Trump she's the better choice. People who say Donald isn't racist I strongly disagree. What he says about Mexicans is terrible including Muslims. What he says about woman is disgusting. I don't even have to quote as there are dozens of video clips of him saying horrifying stuff. But now that it's over with he's surprised about how much work it is to be president. Wow.

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