Snowing Steel

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The explosions end and the smoke clears. "Is that the last of them?" Asked a Star Pilot. "I think so." "Ok, but let's move on." Coleman and the rest of the lance walk in the Ghost Bear HQ and don't expect a single thing. "Alright, commander we're in their headquarters, what do you want us to do now?" Asked one of the star lancemates. "Uphold the mission continue looking for the distress source." Stated the Star Commander. "Will do." The lance continues on to the HQ in hopes to find something to find as a clue. "Found something." Said Tyler. "What is it?" "Broken metal trails." "Let's follow it, maybe we can find something else along the way." Said Coleman. They continued to walk in their Battlemechs until they found a door. "Wait, its a dead end." "No, it is not. As you should've seen a Blast Door 3 sign." Said another Star Lancemate to Tyler. "Let's crack it open like a nut." "No, have I not made myself clear? It's a BLAST DOOR! Which means that we must be near an explosive or crusher." Said the Star Lancemate. "Oh, right. Wait, no, oh no. We need to get out of here." Said Coleman. "You mean?" "I mean, yes, let's get out right now before-" "Before what? Until you make up your mind?" "No, LIKE RIGHT NOW! This is a trap we need to leave, they already killed the source in the crushing chamber!" Said Coleman. "Oh no, let's leave now!" Said Tyler. So, they all ran towards the entry of the HQ but they were too late and the door was right about to close. Luckily, Tyler made it on time, but he saw his lance far behind him, so he held the entry door open for them as the HQ was blowing up. Coleman and the rest of the lance rushed as fast as they could to the door and one by one they got out. Unfortunately, half of Tyler's mech got stuck in the door and Coleman hurried to save him. "I got you buddy!" Said Coleman. "Hurry, I don't want to die like this!" Said Tyler. But after the 4th pull on Tyler the HQ had a massive explosion and blasted Coleman back to his lance. Tyler was dead.

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