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The year is 3058, Star General Coleman is with his friends Kyle and Tyler in an invasion of the Jade Falcons. "Clanners on my right!" Shouted Tyler. "Roger that, target acquired! Commencing attack!" Replied Coleman.  Sounds of explosions and lasers are heard from Sector 3 of Witner, the largest known city of planet Zyno. "Taking fire!" Shouted Coleman. More lasers are heard being shot. "India is down!" Said Kyle left of Tyler. "We're making progress, keep pushing them back!" Commanded Coleman. As this heroic battle raged on, this platoon was beginning to take losses. The Star fleet at Sector 3 was going to be remembered for the defense of the city Witner. These brave warriors have only fought the toughest wars against the most arrogant warriors. And now the story of Mechwarrior continues...

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