Chapter 50

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Third person's POV

You and Sarada came to a sudden stop in your tracks when you heard the shocking news from Sasori and Deidara. Obito Uchiha was drunk? You couldn't believe your ears.

"WHAT?!" you both exclaimed simultaneously, your faces mirroring the same shock and disbelief.

Why was Obito drunk, and how had this happened? More importantly, since when did he start drinking? So many questions raced through your mind, and you couldn't fathom the idea of Obito being drunk.

The Akatsuki brothers exchanged annoyed and impatient looks in response to your outburst.

"Shut your mouths, will you?" Sasori scolded, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently.

Your irritation flared up, and you placed your hands on your hips, glaring at him with defiance.

"Who are you ordering around like that?" you retorted with a deepening of your voice, your irritation making itself evident.

In an unexpected turn of events, Sarada punched Sasori, sending him flying into the front door, which promptly gave way under the force of the impact. Deidara watched in awe as Sasori struggled to get back up, his head bleeding and his left leg injured.

Sarada turned her attention to Deidara, her gaze intense. He suddenly found himself as terrified as you often felt when facing Sasuke's wrath.

"Something to say?" Sarada asked, her fist ready to strike again. Deidara quickly shook his head, shivering slightly. It was clear that this girl was not to be trifled with.

"That's right, scaredy-cat," you muttered under your breath, clearly amused by Deidara's fear.

Sasori grumbled, cursing quietly to himself as he stood up, nursing his injuries. It was clear that today was not his lucky day.

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, you heard a loud and cheerful voice coming from inside the house, making you wince. Deidara mentally facepalmed himself, and Sasori let his head hang in disappointment.

"I'm going to remind myself never to leave a drunk asshole alone!" Deidara muttered, shaking his head in frustration. You and Sarada shook your heads in agreement. Stupid boys.

"He's your best-" you started to say, but were cut off as the voice called again.

"-NIIIIII-SAAAAAAN!" a childish voice rang out. A drunk figure stumbled into view, and your mood took a complete turn for the better.

It was Obito.

You finally got to see him after what felt like weeks or maybe months. You expected the usual non-stop chatter, his flirty and childish personality, but what you got was embarrassing beyond belief.

Obito stood before Sasori, shirtless, revealing a chest covered in fresh scars. His eyes, usually mischievous, were now innocent and cute, like a child's.

"Obito?!" you squeaked, your face flushing as he noticed you, his night-black eyes sparkling with delight.

"(Y/ON)-CHAN!" he exclaimed, rushing toward you and hugging you tightly. You were taken aback by his sudden display of affection. You patted his back slowly, trying to make sense of what was happening. It wasn't surprising that he wasn't wearing a shirt, given his inebriated state, but where had those fresh scars come from?

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, DO YOU KNOW THAT!?" Obito declared, tears of joy in his eyes.

Your eyes widened at his candid confession. Did he really miss you this much? You wished he could remember this when he was sober, but given his current state, you didn't dwell on it too much.

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