chapter 1

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"ship integrity down to sixty percent" my female computer voice said as red alarm bells continued to flash "heard you the first time trying to concentrate" I shouted as I pulled on the throttle trying to keep it under control. A video screen popped up and showed an anthropomorphic black fox. Its language wasn't English, but I had a universal brain implant that auto translated. "return out precious cargo terrain" he shouted "hey just because I'm a former human doesn't mean I'm from earth" I shouted "and no thanks I need to make credits so later" I said turning of my transmitter. So who am I. my name is drake Braveheart. I'm seventeen and I work as a gun for hire or mercenary. I'm six three with long brown hair and crimson red eyes. I'm wearing a one-piece battle combat spacesuit that auto adjusts to brace for high impact collisions. I'm currently not human technically speaking. I was bitten by a night kin a while ago on the nocturnal planet. Night kin are vampire like, but don't have a weakness too light and don't require blood to live, but we can drink it. We also have increased hypnotic abilities and hemo-kenises. Means we can manipulate our blood outside of our body. We can use it as weapons or to heal inures, comes in pretty handy sometimes. I'm currently fighting for my life against a pissed off group of traders who don't know when to quit. Well I'll teach them. "max divert engine power to field barrier ""diverted, but why?" I smiled. Max was my onboard ai system. The female voice was simply the default alert system. I've been meaning to integrate max into for some time. I just never have the time. I busted open the control panel and started rewiring thing "max dodge the gunfire while I work" "on it" he said switching to ai flight. Blasts continued to wiz past the ship. Let's see. Red too blue. Yellow too white. Gray too "hold it that doesn't go their" "sorry max my bad" alright black to orange. One finale piece. I wired in my multi tool which had a small emp blast. "alright max when I see now kill everything even the engines and life support" I said "still not sure what you're up too, but alright" I waited a few seconds "now" I shouted and hit the button on my multi tool. The shots stopped "max turn the engines on and set course for the triax system. Warp speed" I shouted. When I said max was an ai I supposed that's not entirely true. He is an ai that was download from an organic life form into a quad core quantum process that was integrated on the ship. When I met max aboard the space ship he was itching to see the stars and so was I. he's been my partner ever since.

The ship took off in a flash of light and we were gone. I fixed my rewiring and started my onboard diagnostic to check the existence of the damage. "excellent work sir, how did you rig the field barrier to emit a low frequency close range emp signal?" max asked curious. I smiled "simple when I designed this ship I made sure it was completely customizable to the given situation" I said with a smirk "quiet impressive I must, now where exactly are we heading in the triax system exactly" I smirked. As if he didn't already know "right, setting course for David's gay bar" max said. I sat down and leaned back enjoying the view of hyper space. Being out here makes you feel so small, but it's exciting being this far away from home. Most people never even make it past the milky way galaxy and here I am all the way on the other side of the universe. It's breath taking and a dream come true. "while I don't mean to intrude on your daydreaming. Who am I kidding yes I do. Theirs's a message from your mother" max said. I sat straight up and stiffened. I hadn't talked to my mother in two years. I've been pretty reclusive the days. "shall I play it" I sighed. I guess now's as good a time as any "yeah sure" I said. A video screen popped up. There was no video just static "sweaty can you hear me" she said. As much of a badass as I was. It's still nice to hear her voice. "yeah I can hear you" "oh my god my baby how have you been. We worry about you all the time. Are you okay. How's your diet are you eating okay" she said almost in tears by her sniffling "bro how's it been. Are you enjoying space. We all really miss you" my brother said joining in "are you coming home for Christmas. We'd really enjoy that" my big sister said. God I missed them all truly. I wished I could go home sometimes, but I can't. "sorry guys I don't think so. I'm.......busy up here in space you know" I said with a sigh. There was silence "oh well.........I'm just glad you're okay" mom said crying. I hated hearing her cry. "you son of a bitch if you're not her for Christmas I'm buying a ship and kicking your ass" my brother said furious. I wish I could see their faces. "what kind of son abandons their" the video cut out. "I'm sorry looks like the signal got bounced around a lot just to reach us. Were two trillion light years from earth after all" max said. I sighed "it's okay. At least I got to talk to them" any way let's hurry on to Daniel's" I said leaning back in my chair. I don't regret any decision I made back then, but that doesn't make it any easier on me.

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