chapter 2

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"arriving at David's gay bar try not to contract in diseases while you're in their" "oh relax and enjoy your repairs and tune up" I said. About two years after my space journey began I sold the phoenix and raised enough money to design my own ship. Midnight shadow. A much more advanced model that I designed. Max was more than happy to leave that old fossil behind in the scrap and take on a sleeker appearance.

I walked up to ramp the he honcho of bouncers. He's an anthro shark from aquias a plant devoid of land above water. Well natural land anyway. "well if it isn't the slut of the galaxy wat brings your ass back here" I smirked "my ass is my reason now be a good little guppy and let me in" "your lucky I'm found of you" he said pulling open the red rope. Everyone in line ground. Sucks to be them. I walked in and saw a couple of male dancers working the polls. I noticed my favorite being extra naughty. I walked over to the bar "yo vexale one drink my man" I said as he was pouring another customer a drink. Vexale was a night kin from the transyl planet. Unlike me he was a true born night kin while I was a blood born night kin. Still we get along rather well almost too well at times. I sleep around a lot. "as I live and breathe it's drake. What's the badest mercenary in the galaxy doing here" I laugher "here for good drink good and friends mostley" "amen to that here's a drink on the house. I believe this one was a varaxen" he said handing me a shot of blood. I downed it feeling the rush blood gives me. Makes me crave the stuff sometimes, but it passes "you always have a way of picking out the best tastes" I smiled. It was nice talking to him. Too bad this wasn't really a social call. "now then where Daniel, I need to speak with him". He frowned and sighed "please do me a favor and don't do this" I smiled "you know I have too" "yeah I do, oh well no hard feeling alright" "their never is" I said. This wouldn't be the first time I had to fight vexal. And it certainly won't be the last.

He grabbed me across the bar "oh direct approach nice touch." I said. I broke free and punched him in the face and with my other hand I grabbed my stun blaster and from my hip shot him with it "nice try, better luck next time" "not this time, stun doesn't work on me anymore" he said hopping over the counter "you know what does" I smiled and started humming random notes that sound blissful. He tried to block it by covering his ears, but it was too late his pupils dilated and he started swaying. "sleep" I command and he fell. "sleep tight my precious" I smiled and winked at my favorite dancer. Everyone else in the room paid no mind. This was just how I did business. I walked through the door behind the counter and followed it to Daniel's office.

"your slowing down drake it took eighteen seconds to take down vexal this time". The gray wolf said. Daniel hunt. An anthro wolf from the plant howel. A place where there's always a full moon. Nice place, been there a few times to relax. "dame guess I need to step up my game" I said smiling "right so you have it" "course now let's talk real business" I smirked "after this my debt Is paid and of course if you betray me then well you know what happens" "I disappear. I knew full well what I was getting into when I hired you shadow. You're the best in the business" he said "though I sense you want more" I smirked "is that so wrong I've been so bad after all" I said seductively. "nope not today unfortunately, I have some big shots coming in to cope the place, they may be willing to invest in an expansion or another branch" I smirked and sat on his desk crossing my legs "come on it's the least you can do after all you did send me a long way from my trip" I said seductively. He stiffened. No one can resist me "dammit" he kissed me deep and hard.

A couple hours later

"well that was probably the best night I've had in a while, didn't realize I was so pent up thanks for that" I said smirking as Daniel got out of bed and dressed himself back in his suit. "well I rather enjoyed that as well you should come by more often now the files" "max transfer the files" I said "already done, bunch of assholes making me watch" I smiled "It's more fun if someone watches" I said smiling "whatever. You have a video message. Unknown caller" well that's rare, but In this business it's not unexpected. "well I must be going later drake" I waved "bye" I said as he left the ship "play message" I said as a video message popped up. And anthro white fox popped up. He had red eyes a scar over his left eye and a tear in his right ear. He was kind of hot. "drake braveheart" I nodded "I have a job for you" "what kind of job" "escort. A royal ship from the galactic council will be passing through the tricartec sector. While I have faith in her guards I need to make sure she's safe. she is a very important woman" I smiled this could be very profitable for me " how much" "2 million credits" "done" I said quickly "I'll see you in the gravatex sector system to go over the details" he said cutting out. "thus our next adventure begins" max said. I nodded "is my new suite ready" "yep behold the kinetic suit mark three. It's lighter and much more durable than the old one. It can withstand atmospheric pressures of....well...theirs really no comparison. No planet I know of has an atmosphere like that. And there is built in nanotech you'll find helpful and look" the suit glowed around the right arm "I incorporated a planet wide communicator built with a quantum processor now I can come with you on missions" "sweet it'll be nice to have you out in the field" I stood up and let the blanket fall off "initiate bonding" the suite oozed out over the flow and pooled around my feet. It began to travel up my legs and mold itself to my body. It felt a little tingly, but I'm used to it "max set course for gravatex sector" "on it" the ship flashed an entered hyperspace.

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