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The Abel Covenant's conference room looked closer to a gaming den then a room where all-important vampire doings went down. There were several sofas and beanbags littering the floor, all in different parts of the room. A cluster of cushy seats half-circled a massive television which was already surrounded by various game consoles. Several vampires, looking no more than 16, were sprawled all throughout the room as well. The only vaguely-professional part of the room were two columns of tables headed by something resembling a modern throne- all of it brightly, searingly lit. It was certainly not what one would expect of the most powerful vampire in the city, or any creature of the dark.

And it was most certainly not what Terrace was expecting as he followed a short blonde vampire into the Covenant's quarters. He couldn't help but hiss as the intense light hit his eyes and turned his skin warm. Desperately he buried away his face in his hands to escape it, expression twisted into a fierce grimace. It was so harsh he hardly heard his escort speak to him: "Woah, mate, are you okay?"

"Fuck if I'm okay, turn these accursed lights off!" His voice snapped like a whip, effectively attracting the attention of any other vampire in the lounge. The vampire's pale skin was already becoming visibly redder.

"Woah, woah! Okay!" The escort- a tiny blonde girl by the name of Emmie- instantly scurried off to obey. Luckily the light switch was beside the door and she could flip them off with haste. "Sorry, man. No one told us you were that sensitive! We woulda dimmed the lights, huh?" The only light now was the TV set and its accessories.

Terrace did not respond until his skin seized sizzling and his headache abated. "Forgive me," he growled, "I didn't realize a warning would have to be given." They were vampires! How could they stand such a bright light? Were they sick, or near-blind? "Where is this X of yours? He summoned me here."

Emmie twitched up her skirts at the vampire's biting tones, apparently affronted. "X is at the tables, sir. They're in the back," she replied stiffly.

"Thank you." His red eyes blazed for a second, surveying the room. Emmie appeared to be correct- there was a vampire lingering in the back of the room. A messy head of curls and a warm, kindly face- save for his eyes. They were flinty and cold with a frosty emerald gleam. Terrace continued to study the Covenant Lord with intensity as he approached him.

"You may sit, Mr. von Kilt." X's voice reflected his eyes and sounded alien from his noticeably rounded frame.

"Unfortunately, it's Terrace." Hot and boiling red met the Lord's cool and frosty green, as if in challenge. "And I will sit when you tell me why you have summoned me."

The Lord paused, as if contemplating. Then, slowly:

"I have a proposal to make of you, Terrace."

"I want you to join the Abel Covenant."

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