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Terrace grabbed the back of a chair and drew it back. The heat in his gaze crackled then winked out, becoming dead. His entire demeanor changed from the bold upstart to that of a snake ready to strike; the vampire sat down without noise but his was no longer a simple matter of moving. He moved as one would expect a predator to move as it hunted.

"What," he began, a dangerous lilt to his voice, "will I gain from this?"

X's lips tightened. "A chance to get back at the vampire who Turned you."

Terrace appeared thoughtful for all of a second. "Is that all you have to offer me?"

"Is that not what you want? Is that not why you hunt your own kind? To find and kill your blood-sire?"

If the Night Children could breathe, their breaths surely would have been stolen then. A stunned silence fell over the Abel vampires as they listened to the meeting take place. Many looked disbelievingly at the tables, others with undisguised newfound hate.

The Lord stared down at his red-eyed counterpart, challenge washing away the emerald frost. He was sure that revenge was what the troublesome rogue was seeking. But if he were wrong.... No. He could not think about that.

"Is that what this is about?" A note of thunder rippled in his voice. Tension lay thickly in the air now, heavy on every tongue. "Or are you trying to distract me?" Terrace spoke with a knowing sharpness, eyes alight. "Do not count me for a fool, X. Why do you want me here, and what will I gain?"

X cursed under his breath. "There is unrest in the Underground, as you may be aware of. Werewolves have been preying on vampires, and us them. It is unsafe for any Child to be without a Covenant or pack. I fear there is a war of sorts brewing... If you are to accept my offer, you would gain both power and influence in the Underground and in my Covenant. On top of that, you would have allies and friends at your side." And I would much rather have you on my side, rather than Xion's, he added silently.

A hush fell over the conference room as X drew to a close. All eyes focused entirely on the vampire rogue before them...

And all eyes flew wide when Terrace barked a laugh.

"Come on out and say it, X. You're afraid. You're afraid that if you don't have me first, that other Lord will get me. Well, you're wrong, and I don't intend to join either of you. Your Covenants are no better than street gangs and I refuse to have any part of it." Terrace was suddenly on his feet, hands slammed on the table, mirth dancing in his eyes. "I work alone and for myself, anyway."

The rogue turned on his heel to walk away. "And X? I already killed my 'blood-sire.' Good night."

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