The Meet

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I am completely new to this thing so if sucks I am truly sorry. Editing in process!

So today was the big day, I guess. The day I would actually be able to see Percy (we haven't seen each other for 5 months 16 days and 21 seconds. Well now 22...  23... Oh well you get what I mean.) I haven't seen him in forever and I miss him so so so much. Being demigods and all we haven't been able to contact each other besides a few short iris messages, but you know how she is so stingy with time unless you make her rich with drachmas.
Anyways, I was super excited on the flight to New York from San Francisco. Luckily my mother had talked Zeus into taking pity on me and making my flight as smooth as possible. I don't normally have trouble with plane rides like Percy does but you always want to play it safe.
Once I had arrived to the airport I met Argus and he drove me my destination which was Goode High School. On the way there I looked out the window and watched the different snowflakes fall from the sky onto the cold pavement. As soon as my ADHD kicked in and I realized that looking at snowflakes is boring I looked up and saw that we were already there. I became happy when I saw all of my best friends Hazel, Frank, Piper, Jason, Leo, but my face lit up when I saw Percy's beautiful sea green eyes, perfect jawline, and messy black hair. Just looking at his eyes made me fall for him all over again. He was just so hot! I decided to avoid him because I thought it would be best to surprise him so he was even happier we met once again.
I walked in one of the side doors seeing the beautiful decor of Goode High School. Some students gave me some strange looks noticing that they had never seen me before.
     School started at 8:00 so I had plenty of time to go to the office, get my schedule, and find my new locker. Once I walked into the office the secretary gave me a sheet with my schedule.
1: AP Calculus
2: Greek Language
3: AP English
4: History (Greek)
5: Biology
6: P. E.
7: Study Hall

     A tall, blonde-haired, brown-eyed, guy wearing glasses came up to me with his hand out to shake. I returned the friendly gesture and he said, "Hi! I'm Andrew. You can call me Drew though... or Andrew whichever you want" He flashed a huge bright white smile.
"Hi, I'm Annabeth". He just stared at me for a couple seconds and when it started to get awkward I said, "Can I help you with something?"
     As if that pulled him back into reality he said,
     "Well actually, I'm here to help you!" He laughed smiling once again.
     "I'm part of the new students committee and we help new students -like you- find their way around the school. So..."
He grabbed my schedule and smiled again.                           "Ooooooo! Your locker is by literately the hottest guy at this school, not that I would know or anything, though. He is the captain of the swim team also known as Percy Jackson. Almost every girl at Goode has tried to ask him out but every single time he lies and says he already has a girl that he met at some camp." As I took in what Andrew had just said I smiled with enjoyment. My locker was by Percy's! Perfect!
     "Any way let's go find your locker!" He said, flashing a smile yet again.
As we walked we both kept silent until Andrew stopped immediately in his tracks making me almost run into him. He just started staring and I stared where he was looking and saw something that made me want to scream with excitement. I heard Andrew mutter something like 'omg there he is' as I walked over to Percy.
I saw him with four other guys and coincidentally they were talking about me. (I hope).
     One of his friends said, "Dude! Why did you just reject Makenzi Keller? She's the hottest girl at this school! Anybody would die to be her boyfriend!"
     "Sure. Anybody but ME! I've already told you like 20 times I have a girlfriend!" said Percy.
      "Oh you mean that girl that looks like a goddess that you photoshop into all of your photographs." Another one of his friends said.
"Guys I told you she's real" said Percy. And just then I can up behind him, put my hand up his shirt (not in a weird way) and found his "Achilles heal" and poked it ever so slightly.
He turned around faster that you can say the letter 'a' and had Riptide in his hand but had not uncapped it yet. His tense body completely relaxed as soon as he saw it was me. He grabbed my waist and kissed me with so much love and passion, almost as if we haven't seen each other for a year. When we released. I heard his friend say 'woah'.
He turned to his gang (gang) and said, "Guys, I told you she was real, this is Annabeth. Annabeth this is Logan, Josh, Grant, and Jack."
We greeted each other and I noticed how athletic they all were. Not as much as Percy obviously but still were probably good swimmers. They were cute I guess but nobody and I mean NOBODY is as hot as Percy. They were probably the "nice jocks" of the school.
We exchanged our schedule to see what classes we had in common and Logan said, "Dang Percy, she's hot!" Saying it quietly trying not to make me hear but I heard it anyway.
1: High School Algebra
2: Greek Language
3: English
4: History (Greek)
5: Biology
6: P. E.
7: Study Hall

     Yay! We had all classes together besides math and English! Just then the school bell rang which signaled for us to go to class and I gave Percy another short kiss and we off to our first class.

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