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Ashton's POV

"But I did know..." I looked him the eye and finally told the truth.

"W-what do you mean you knew?" Luke asks me. "I knew the whole time I had the flu. I k-knew how b-bad it w-was. I knew what c-could've happened when I went to school." I told him looking away from him. Fearing what his face will look like, and how much anger his face will show. I lied to him. Something I've never done before. He's told me before that he hates liars, he probably hates me know.

I could feel more tears spilling down my cheeks at the thought of him hating me. That feeling is the worst feeling I would probably ever imagine. Him hating me would trigger what has happened to me in the passed. I use to be depressed and hated myself before Luke and I got together.

"Ash. Ashton, hey first of all you need to calm down. The doctor said you don't have enough energy in you, he didn't think you would wake up as soon as did. So take a few deep breaths and calm down please," Luke says calmly. I comply to his words and took a few deep breaths. "Ok, good job. Second of all, look at me." That I couldn't do. I couldn't look him in the face right now.

I heard him sigh before saying, "Scoot over. Please ash." I did as said and made some room for him. Sitting up slowly, getting dizzy in the process. I brought my hand up to my head and grasping it trying to soothe the dizziness.

"Ashton? What's wrong?" Luke asks me worriedly. "Dizzy.." I mumble out.

"C'mere babe." Luke says. I didn't move because I knew if I move the feeling would get worse. "I-I can't. I-if I move, I-it'll get worse." I tell him. He doesn't say anything. All he does is he puts his arm around my shoulders and he slowly leans my head onto his and leans back onto the hospital bed.

"Ash. Why didn't you tell me how bad this was? You know you can always come to me and talk to me right?" He whispers into my ear slowly running his fingers through my unruly mop of curls.

"I didn't want you to worry about me, so I just told you that I didn't feel well. I didn't want you to find out I was lying about how sick I was..." I pause, "a-and I didn't want you break up with me. You've told me before how much you hate lying and liars. I didn't want you to hate me, because if you were to hate me, I would myself once again. And resort back to the only thing that would solve my issues. I don't want to become that person again. So I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry about me.." I finish telling him. I began to cry once again. But this time it wasn't small little tears, I was sobbing silently into his jacket.

"Ashton. Listen to me ok. I could never hate you. Never in my life would I ever be able to hate. Sure I'm upset that you lied to me about something like this, but what upsets me more is that you think I won't be worried about you no matter what," he pauses. He brings his his hand and places it under my chin and brought it up to where our eyes met. He placed a kiss on my lips before continuing,

"And I never want you to think that. I also don't ever want you thinking about your past and worrying that you might go back to doing that. Ok Ashton?" He whispers to me. Placing a small kiss on on my forehead.

"Ok Luke. I promise.." I say quietly.

He gives me a small smile before kissing my lips sweetly. "I love you Lukey." I say afterwards.

"I love you too baby. And I want you to remember something. Ok?" He asks me. I nod and he tells me,

"I want you to remember that no matter what happens. No matter where life takes us. No matter any circumstances we both are in, I'll always be worried..."

The End

A/n- ok so here's the end to this little short story. I hope you likes this. Probably not.

Anyway thanks to anyone who read this and liked it, if anyone did like it.

Ok I'll see later.

I'll always be worried~Lashton~Where stories live. Discover now