The Blue Print

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Chapter 8

Manila in summer was not the best place in the world to be. Rose had always thought so. She stood by her bedroom window; her hands plunged into the pockets of her blue tank top. Her eyes running sorrowfully over the scene when the doctor confirmed her pregnancy, and by the time rain starts, her baby would be born.

"My baby." She said, sadly. She choked. How she longed to have babies in the future with Zeke. They would be very happy. Zeke would play around and grinned proudly for their children and she would smile happily, feeling the perfect family they had. But all their dreams had been shattered into pieces that she couldn't put it together again. She wiped the tears which were flowing hard on her cheeks.

"Fate is too cruel." She said, silently. Almost unconsciously, she pressed one hand on her flat stomach, "God, please tell me what I should do?!" Her heart cried out, "I don't want this baby, but I don't want to kill it, too. Would I have to bear a child out of wedlock? How will I tell Zeke this? I don't think he will accept another heartbreak after the last time. Oh, God." She muttered in despair.

She found herself falling again, into the mood of depression that had been her constant companion during the past two months. Her parents let all the decision in her hand, if she wants to abort or bear it. As her father said, her family would be behind her 100%. But she knows her mother will not agree with abortion. Child is a gift from God.

She hadn't made any decision yet. She had to think it clearly but time will not wait for her forever. She couldn't let her baby grow if she wanted to abort it. Rose glanced to the big envelope on her desk for the third time. It was stamped from Australia. She didn't dare open it afraid that it would be another shock, but she had to be brave as her mind told her. Sighing, she finally pulled out to open the envelope and looked inside. Her heartbeat was fast as she saw a blue paper, a blue print of their dream house. Her fingers were scrabbling as she drew it out from its envelope. There was a note falling down when she drew it out. She took it out. She gazed at the familiar tiny handwriting of her fiancé. The note was from Zeke . She sank down onto the chair as she felt her legs numb.

Dearest Rosey,

When you received this blue print, I'm sure you will be shrieking in delight. I can imagine that. It's our dream house, Rose. I only drew some basic lines of the designed and I know for sure that you want to finish it by yourself. You can start to draw, to design using your imagination and send it back to me. Take your time; we still have 9 months to go. (I always count our time to be together every day). Ok, honey. I give you all the decision.

Love always from Ezequiel.

"Oh, God." She suddenly felt a hard time to breathe. Her heart was twisting in pain; she looked at the blue print in her hand again. Ricky thought all the details and designed it, as she always wanted. She gazed at the title of the footage.

Designed by Richard Ezequiel Madrigal and Olivia Rose Ciervo.

A dull pain settled in her heart. There was a soft knock on her door. She wiped her tears and blinked several times to avoid the next tears that was flowing.

"Rose." It was the voice of her mother.

"Coming, mom." She opened the door and found a worried look from her mother.

"Rose, are you okay?" She nodded weakly, trying to smile but she failed, "Rose, it''s." Her mother hesitated to say. She stared at her daughter with the expression of love, worry and despair. Rose looked at her bewilderingly. Her red big swollen eyes along with her wet eyelashes were waiting for an answer. Her mother let out a shuddering breath before saying.

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