"The day when I went home

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Finally I went home to a family I was apart of a family I thought to my self. When we got out the car it was a big some color house I can't see colors cuz  I'm color blind. Well it had an 2 car garage. We walk up to the front stair the little girls mom unlocked the door I seen a freakishly large boy well to me cuz I'm like really small the boy said " Brittany who's this little guy" he looked at me and smile. I'm thinking in my head like if her name is Brittany than who tf is he and why tf is he in my face." Jonny (short for John well not short just a nick name) move and it's a girl ". what I'm thinking in my mind is this house is bigger on the inside than it looks on the out side. Yea out of that whole thing I'm thinking bout the size of the house I'm different from most dogs. But after that whole thing she showed me the house wat I liked the most is the bathroom in her room. Her room was huge the walls were light blue  and lavender with glow in the dark stars all over the ceiling and the fan on the walls were covered with boy bands like One Direction, Mindless Behavior, and the worst one Justin Biebier. Like Ewwwwww who would like him before he was cute to me but now he's the last person that I would want to see when I wake up. I would wake up like this *wakes up screams runs down stairs and trips and falls* hahaha I'm so silly a it's my story I tell it how I want to so listen up. Ohhh her bed when I say she is a dog lover her bed was my favorite color of cores it's blue with every god damn kind of dog on her bed spread the pillows are the same. Covered in all the dog breeds on it I saw a cute French Bull Terrier, Maltese, Bulldog, Great Dain. I can not name all of them so forget it. For me it was heaven well its me your talking about and don't for get it okay yall got me any way where was I oh yea. Wait I still dont rember oh ok ok ok now I rember the bathroom was beautiful. I bet when u hear this u would want this bathroom you would want this. Well drum roll please dun dun nah hey if you don't like the way I make my noises then don't read my story then. Anyway the bathroom lights looked like those expenses one from Home Depot her mirror was huge it was Crystal clear. I seen myself in it and I started barking Brittany laughed and said " Jasmine it's just your reflection in the mirror ha ha." She was dyeing I was like this isn't funny she do not know what I was feeling I was ready to sharhesha her. Those walls looked so pretty they were like her room the walk in bathroom the part with the sinks and the walk in shower that was clear, also the judge bathtub was lavender, and the part with the toilet was light blue. Hint hint the only reason I knew these colors is because she was jumping up and down when I was at the pet store flash back time * (flashback) Mom thank you for painting my room and bathroom my to favorite colors lavender and light blue. I like my bathroom the most it's lavender and light blue. I love it so much mommy.*(end of flashback)


well that's chapter 2 sorry I didn't update in so long my fingers didn't feel like typing. my brain did not my fingers

The life of me Jasmine Murphy ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now