Little red Armin

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I sat in class with my face in my palm, man this lesson is sooooo boring. I looked over to see out the window and noticed Armin was asleep.

Okay this lesson is freaking boring if it made Armin fall sleep. He's the one who always pays attention in class. Once the bell rang I got up and grabbed all my things.

I turned to see Mikasa shaking Armin to wake him up. Dang it Mikasa I wanted to wake him up. He yawned and stretched his arms. "Hey Armin what were you dreaming about?" I asked him as he got up.

He looked at me but quickly turned away and covered his face with his futon. But before he did I thought I saw him blush. "Armin what is it?" "I-it's not important Eren, LEAVE ME ALONE!" I stood there in shock as Armin ran out of the room. Armin never yells, especially at me. I wonder why he's so upset. Me and Mikasa quickly followed after him.


I was in the forest picking some herbs for my Grandpa. He said he would make my favorite soup but that I had get the missing ingredients myself.

I quickly turned around when I heard rustling behind me. "Hello is someone there?" I didn't see anyone and didn't hear anything else. It was probably just a rabbit. I finished up and headed back.

"Grandpa I'm back!" I said loudly as I entered our house. I hung my cloak on the rack and sat my basket on the table. I haven't heard him say anything so I went in his room to check on him. "Grandpa are you alright?"

"Armin come closer." His voice sounded different. I moved closer to the bed. I noticed one of his hands were out from the covers, it was slightly larger than I remembered and it was hairy "Grandpa why are your hands
so big?"

"The better to hug you with Armin." Once I was right beside the bed big glowing green eyes stared at me. "Why are your eyes so big grandpa? "I now know this isn't my grandpa, but I decided to play along. "The better to see you with Armin." He pulled down the sheet revealing sharp teeth. "Why are your teeth so big grandpa?"

The boy got off the bed and stood in front of me. "The better to eat you with Armin!" Before I could react he jumped on top of me knocking me to the ground. AHHH-......." I was silenced by him pressing his lips against mine.

What is going on?! Where is my grandpa and why is a wolf kissing me?! When he pulled away I slaped him and backed away. He placed a hand on his red cheek. "What the heck Armin?!"

I got off the ground and wiped dust off my pants. "How do you know my name and where is my grandpa?" "I don't know no one was here when I got here and I know your name because... Uh because...."

"Because what?! Speak you dumb wolf!" "I... I like you, I've been following you around everytime you go out to the woods. I thought you were really cute." I blushed and looked away. So it was him I heard earlier.

I heard him got up and after a little bit I felt his arms wrap around me. "I'm sorry for scaring you Armin." "It's al-"I heard the front door open and close. "Grandpa is that you?!" I asked and he pulled away. "Yes Armin where are you?"

In your ro-" I turned my head to see the him opening the window. "What are you doing?!" "I gotta go Armin, but don't worry I'm sure we'll see each other again soon." He smirked and jumped out the window.


After we found Armin I told Eren to hide while I talked to him. "Armin are you alright?" I asked while I sat on the ground next to him. "Is Eren mad at me?" "No. Why would he be mad at you?" "Because you came to talk to me instead of him."

"Oh no Armin he thought you were mad at him." He shook his head. "No I'm not mad at him I my dream uhhhh." Armin lend in closer to me. "Eren kissed me." He whispered in my ear.

He pulled away and started blushing again. "It's embarrassing, can you please not tell him."

Awwwwww that's so cute. Maybe I should tell him Eren has a crush on him. But I guess I won't, it might make him more embaresed. "Don't worry I won't tell him." "Tell me what?!" I turned around to see Eren standing there.

I stood up and walked over to him. "Nothing. Come on let go to class."


I followed behind Mikasa until Eren grabbed my arm. "Armin come on tell me."

"Nothing Eren. I just had a weird dream. Come on let's go." He frowned a little before nodding. He than grabbed my hand and we walked to class.

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