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When Naruto is 12, Genin exams

Naruto sat at his desk grinning. It was 40 minutes into the written exam and he had just finished but he wasn't the first, he came second to Sasuke. The two boys were lead outside by Iruka.

"You two are going to do your tai jutsu exams. You may begin! No weapons!" Iruka said and we ran at each other. After 10 minutes it was a draw. We panted and I gave him a grin.

"Good battle!" I cheered.

"Your not as bad as I would expect from the dead last." Sasuke said. Iruka knowing I'm in Anbu from when he was in Anbu saw the glint in my eyes.

"Whoever said I'm dead last? Just cause I sleep in class doesn't mean I'm the dead last. What if I already knew all this and it's completely boring me?" Naruto asked. Sasuke's eyes went wide as he looked at Naruto noticing the glint in Naruto's eyes.

"If anyone is the the dead last, it would be Naruko." Naruto said. He grinned at Sasuke who nodded. They were moved onto shuriken while the rest started tai jutsu. As they got there they were handed 10 shuriken and 10 kunai.

Sasuke got 10/10 shuriken and 10/10 kunai. Naruto got the same results as Sasuke. Iruka took them back to the classroom and had them do the last test. After they did all three jutsu's the two were given their headbands and were allowed to go home.

The two chatted and got to know each other.

"Hey Sasuke." Naruto said. Sasuke looked at him trying not to puke at his kill-me orange and blue jumpsuit.

"Hn." Sasuke replied.

"Since I'm technically Genin now I can tell you why I started the Academy much later than others." Naruto said. Sasuke's eyes went slightly wide. He had always wondered about that.

"First we need to go some where a little more private." Naruto said. He pulled Sasuke to his apartment and pushed him inside. Sasuke looked at the neat and tidy apartment not something he expected from Naruto.

"So." Sasuke urged. Naruto nodded his grin slipping away as if it had been fake. Sasuke noted that Naruto had put up some sort of mask for when he was in the Academy.

"I was given an S-ranked mission by the Hokage to protect you." Naruto said. Sasuke's eyes went wider then he would ever admit.

"What? Why you?" Sasuke asked still in shock.

"It was given to me because I could easily pass of as a Academy student, and because I was in Anbu." Naruto said his voice normal and not childish like Sasuke was used to.

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, but I am also Kitsune the best Anbu in the village." Naruto said. Sasuke was so shocked he fainted. Naruto scratched the back of his head.

"Probably went into shock." Naruto said. He carried Sasuke to his room bridal style and layed him on his bed. He than walked to the kitchen and started making himself and Sasuke something to eat for dinner knowing Sasuke doesn't have anyone at home to look after him.

As Naruto finished cooking the vegetables and checked on the pork that was half done he heard Sasuke stumble out of his room.

"Naruto?" Sasuke called.

"In here." Naruto replied. Sasuke walked into the kitchen and smelled the air. His mouth started watering.

"Thought you might be hungry. I started cooking us some pork since I know about the whole Uchiha massacre and what happened that night since I was the first one to find the dead bodies. Sorry if I'm bringing back bad memories." Naruto said.

Sasuke just waved it off clearing trying to hold in tears. At the time there had been nobody that would actually give him any comfort of any sort. But as the memories flooded in he started crying and fell to the floor.

Naruto hugged him, shocking Sasuke, But right now Sasuke needed the comfort and just continued to cry.

"Shh its OK, cry as much as you want." Naruto said. A small almost invisible smile appeared on Sasuke's lips. Naruto caught the smile and smile one of his rare real smiles. Sasuke looked at Naruto speechless.

"Thanks for comforting me. Your the first to really comfort me." Sasuke said. He smiled a bigger smile at Naruto, Naruto just smiled back and helped Sasuke off the floor.

"You good for eating? It looks like the pork is done." Naruto said. Sasuke nodded his head and sat down at the table. Naruto served to food and placed Sasuke's in front of him. They started eating while talking to each other.

"So why do you live here and not with your parents?" Sasuke asked. Naruto blinked, but started to explain what had happened before he had moved in here. To say Sasuke was shocked would be an understatement.

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