What blue eyes you have

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Derek? Derek saved me?

I looked up at him not knowing what to say, why would he do that? should I say thank you? but he saved me

"Hi" he said in a gruff voice looking at me like he expected me to rip off his face.

I guess I just keep suprise ing him, because I ran up and bear hugged him.

"Thanks" I say while my head is resting on his chest, even with my heels. he is very tall.

He's taken aback for a moment but soon recovers and wraps his arms around me, sending tingles wherever he touches me.

I pull back and give him a nod and return to my normal stance and ask,

"What are you doing here?"

"We need to get Scott that's why I was looking for you, we need to find him before it's too late."

"Oka-" just as I was about to finish stiles jeep pulled out of the lot, going at least 80miles fast. Scott in the passenger seat.

"Great, that was my ride home" I say shaking my head, throwing hateful glares at the back of stiles barley visible jeep.

"I can give you one...if you want" Derek says looking down at me.

I have a debate in my head and decide on letting him, if he wanted to kill me, he wouldn't have saved me.

"Sure, but uh, we should give Allison one to, she was Scott's date." I add, feeling bad for her. if only she knew what was going on she would have understood.


I walked up to her and asked her for a ride, she agreed. we dropped her off but Derek was not going in the direction of my house

"Uh what are you doing?" I snap looking over at him, meeting his mysterious beautiful green eyes.

"I'm taking you to my place."

I raised my eyebrows at him but there was no response.


"Tryin to get into pants so soon Der?" I ask sarcastically

"We have things we need to discus."

"Way to be no fun" I say rolling my eyes, but not before I see a small smile play on the edge of his lips.


I jumped out of the car and looked up at the tall burnt down building....have I been here before? I want to ask Derek but I don't want to sound dumb. I follow his lead as he walks up the steps of his 'house'. I see a worn out looking couch and a faint memories tries to resurface but I can't quite grab it, I can't help my self as I ask,

"Have I ever been here before?"

Derek's face fills with confusion and I'm pretty sure my prediction is right, he thinks I'm crazy.

"You don't remember?"" He asks slowly, his eyebrows squished together.

"Remember what?" I sigh

"Like 2 days ago, you were here for almost the whole night." he says stepping towards me, but I take a step back, only to fall onto the couch.


"You left school because you couldn't walk up the fucken stairs and I was worried so-"

"Derek? Derek hale worried about me? that doesn't even make sense, you should hate me, I totally cussed you out!" I yell so confused

"Well you were wrong, I do...as I was saying, I was worried so I followed you when you walked to the café and then I touched your arm and screamed then you fainted but I caught you," he paused to wink,"an I brought you back here and put some healing medicine on you...didnt you wonder why it was so much better?"

I shrugged at him, I thought it healed naturally.

"Whatever, anyways I did that then you woke up and you ran out screaming. you kept saying 'oly' or ' Oly why are you here?' stuff like that....then the alpha started chasing you but obviously never caught you. so who's oly?" derek asked

"My dead brother" I said not sugar coating it.

"As in no longer living?"

"Yep" I said popping the 'P'

"Care to further explain?"

"I guess...i keep seeing my dead brother and dad, it started when,im assuming, the alpha scratched-" I began but was rudely interrupted for the second time by Derek since iv met him.

"The alpha scratched you!?" he roared

"Maybe...?" I say raising it into a question

"You seriously didn't tell anybody?!"

"I told you, stiles and Scott have enough on their plates!" both of our voices were raising by the second

"Ya! here's another question! how do you know?" derek yelled

"About werewolves?" I chuckle at his question, it's really quite obvious if you observe Scott and him.

Derek gave a curt nod

"Because 1, I saw a wolf the same night Scott got the bite. 2, he would go crazy when he would get mad and he sucked at lacrosse until the day after he got bit, among other reasons. And you? you just look like you'd be a werewolf" I said, taking a leap for the couch to sit.

"If you know what I am then why on earth did you willingly come with me here, alone?"

"Because I know you wouldn't hurt me, and even if you did," I say, pausing to pull something out of my bag,
"I brought a can of pepper spray filled with wolfsbane, heard that's your weakness. Am I right, or am I right:)" I say grinning

He smiled in amusement, and startled me by asking quietly,

"Do you want to see?"

I jumped up and let out a scream,

"YES! I have been waiting soooo long for someone to show me!" I smiled jumping up and down waiting for hi to get all hairy.

He smiled again and closed the gap in between us, only leaving a foot separating us.

"Okay, I'll just show you my eyes for now"

I pouted, I want to see the whole shift.

He chuckled at my reaction,

"You'll get to see the whole thing sooner or later."

With that he closed his eyes for a brief second then they shot open,

"Holy hell" I muttered, his eyes were the Color of electric cool blue, scary yet beautiful.

He opened his mouth to reveal canines the size of my finger, his claws looked extremely sharp, I couldn't help myself, I poked the tip of one.

"Ow!" I said cradling my index finger.

Derek chuckled,

"That was stupid, would you test the tip of a new knife?"

"Ya, Iv done that before" I smiled," It was just so tempting, it didn't end well..." I sighed recalling the memory,

"You are a-" Derek was cut off by a screaming...scott?

"Derek! I know your in there!"

Derek sighed and said,

"Stay here"

Before walking out.

How stupid is he? do you really think I'm the kind of girl who follows orders?


Cliffhangerrr:) next chapter comin soon! Probably tomorrow! Merry Xmas happy new year!




Scratches Are Worse Then Bites (Teen Wolf) (Derek Hale) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now