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I get dressed slowly for school, my wound slowing me down. I applied makeup, which covered my red and blue bruise quite well. you could only really see it if you concentrate on it. today I wear black skinny jeans and a pink shirt that read I love you to the moon and back, which would show off my sides if I didn't have a black tank top on, which I did. lastly I put on black combat boots with designs on the flaps. I slowly go down stairs, not in the mood to eat anything, in fear id throw up. this thing might be getting infected.

Stiles pulls up right on time, like always and I try not to do any drastic movements, I won't let Scott or stiles find out. they don't even no that it's been going on for a couple years now. Despite the fact that I have scars all over my body from her. I just have to take a little bit more out my morning to cover up the ones on my face.

"Hey" he says before speeding off to school

"How was your night Scotty?" I ask

Trying to sound like I was not in pain

"It was great"

"Why did you ask him and not me!?" stiles says taken back

"Well, I don't really care, and know ing how you two or joined together at the hip, Scott would tell me in a word when you would explain the whole night." I say smilin up at him as he scoffs.

"Whatever" he mumbles

By now we're at school, driving into the parking lot, or should I say hell.

When Scott jumps out of his chair,

"What is he doing here?"

We all glance one way and make eye contact with Derek.


"Maybe he's just here for a friendly visit?" I ask hopefully

"Doubt it" stiles says," he's probably here to kill max, because of yesterday"

"Thanks for the support stiles" I say, slowly getting out, god this day is gonna suck, I can't even keep up with Scott and stiles pace.

"Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later!" I say to stiles and Scott as they walk away and nod.

I take a painful deep breath and start to walk, but then I come across the stairs, and I stare blank at them, there is no way I can get up those without falling. so I do what is the only answer into not getting caught, I walk away, I walk towards the lacrosse feild, so the teachers don't think I'm ditching. but before I can get away without making any eye contact, I meet Derek's green eyes, which are staring at me with with confusion. I glare before putting my head down and continuing towards the feild, hopefully he doesn't follow me,I went underneath the bleachers and sat down, leaning against the beams.

God, it fuckin hurts! I placed my hand against the wound, when I brought my hand back up, it was covered with blood. I looked around to make sure school had already started, and that no one was watching.

I slipped off my jeans and grabbed my pe shorts out of my bag and slipped those on instead. I got up slowly, using the beam as support, then threw away my jeans. I can't really wear those anymore.

There was no way I was going back to school, but I think I might pass out if I walk all the way home. so I can just walk to a cafe, stay there a while, then keep going towards my house, taking breaks along the way...that sounds good, right?

I have to be sneaky about this tho, I can't let any teachers see me. So slowly but surely I got out of school grounds, only to have to take a 5 minute break.

"This is gonna be a long week." I mumble to myself before I countinue.....

Eventually I get to the cafe, and order a mocha, sitting down in a corner booth. I hear footsteps come towards me, and then stood at my table. I glance up at none other then derek.

Scratches Are Worse Then Bites (Teen Wolf) (Derek Hale) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now