meeting Sebastian

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I came to the bottom of the grand staircase, the marble floor shone and sparkled. Clusters of guests were everywhere; the chatter in the room an audible buzz. People were dressed in their finest attire, women in beautiful billowing ball gowns and gentlemen in their sharpest tailored suits. 

I felt several pairs of eyes on me as I came to a standstill at the end of the staircase; the attention gave me a light headed feeling which I loved. I scanned the room, wondering who to talk to first. I felt silly standing here on my own. I wondered where mother and father were.

“Evening Annabel.”

I turned to see Fredrick. He was the son of a successful businessman and a fine suitor. 

“Lovely to see you Fredrick.” I let my lips smile a little as I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

“Are you doing well?” He was acting polite but I could tell how my presence had an effect on him. I knew he liked me and was nervous. I enjoyed how he shifted from one foot to another, uneasy but trying to be brave.

“I am doing most well.” I let my eyes wonder before meeting him in the eye again. “You are enjoying the party?”

“The party is splendid. And may I take this opportunity to comment on how beautiful you look.” Fredrick smiled.

“What a charming compliment.” I wasn’t going to act too warm, there were other people to speak with and if I acted too cosy with Fredrick he may get too comfortable. “Nice speaking with you.”

I walked away, taking a flute of champagne off a tray a waiter was walking around with. Guests were all talking and I struggled to find a conversation interesting enough to partake in. It was all business and cultural. Nothing fun. Nothing exciting.

I looked to the side to see a young gentleman in a corner by himself; surveying the crowd. I decided to pick up some courage and go over to him. I had never seen him before and my curiosity was brimming over.

As I neared him I saw how astonishingly hansom he was. His suit was the sharpest of them all and looked incredibly expensive. He had broad shoulders and his face was...well, beautiful. Chiselled cheekbones, eyes so blue they were like that time in the morning, when the sky is goes that startling light shade of blue it almost looks surreal. His hair was as black as a ravens wing and cut to a mid-length with the fringe hanging off to one side of his face. As I drew closer I saw how long and black his eyelashes were, they framed the blue of his eyes perfectly. His lips were full and rather wasted on a boy.

For the first time ever….I felt nervous. It felt like something was clawing around within my stomach, making me feel sick. I never had this. I was confident and took everything in my stride and now suddenly, because of some hansom gentleman I felt like my insides were being tangled and twisted. I took a sip of my champagne but it felt too sweet in my mouth ....the taste too overpowering and I had to urge to spit it out.

I smiled slightly as I came to a standstill in front of him, trying to hide the turmoil of emotions I was experiencing.  He turned to me and I was suddenly trapped within his gaze. I could not stop staring at his eyes, I felt as if I was tipping over the edge and falling into them.


His voice was like velvet, soft but it had a depth to it. I felt that if you brushed it the wrong way and irritated him the soft voice could get rough and easily annoyed. My heart fluttered at this, like a little bird stuck in an iron cage.

“Evening” I hurriedly said as I realised I was gaping. “Am I correct to assume that you are not from around here? I have not seen your presence here before.”

“You are most right. I am on a visit, looking around the city. I am from Chicago.” He replied.

“That would explain the accent.” I grinned, relaxing at the easy conversation flow. “May I know your name? Or shall I just have to refer to you are Mr Chicago?”

He chuckled, his white teeth flashing and the music melody of his voice escaping in waves. “My name is Sebastian.”

“Sebastian what?”

“Let’s start off straight away as friends. Then there is no need to know my second name” He grinned as he leaned back against the wall, his tall frame a dark shadow against the pale cream of the wallpaper. “And your name? Or shall I call you The Lady in Lilac.”

I couldn’t help but let out a laugh, though my heart still hammered and the creature within my stomach was still pacing around. “You could…or you could just call me Annabel.”

“Nice to meet you Annabel.” He grinned slightly and I felt blood colour my cheeks.

“A pleasure to meet you Sebastian.” I smiled back.

“Now, I only came for a quick visit. I must go but before I do, I am having lunch at La Royale if you would like to join me. Say…tomorrow, two o’clock?”

I was taken aback by how forward he was but it made me feel exhilarated as I accepted his invitation, I could not help but smile and I felt a rosy glow cover me.

“See you then Annabel the Lady in Lilac.” He smiled, bowed his head, and left the room.

The rosy glow and happiness still radiated through me...but underneath it all, I still felt the creature pacing and the twisting and tugging of my insides. A warning of what was to come.

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