News of first death.

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I woke up in a rush the next morning, my head dizzy from the champagne consumed the previous evening. It had been a good party, though after Sebastian had taken his leave my mind had been distracted and my heart never did settle. Even as I thought about seeing him again today at lunch it started my heart up again. It flapped around against my ribs like a bird stuck in its cage. Beneath all the excitement though the shadow of doubt was starting to sneak in like a putrid slimy slug. Was it safe to go meet a stranger after only knowing him 10 minutes? Well, it’s Sebastian. He was polite and friendly. It was just lunch. It will all be fine, I reassured myself and instead focused on getting ready.

I called the maid back up and made her arrange some dresses out. I wanted smart and elegant but not too fancy.  I ran my fingers over all the different materials. The smoothness of the satin, the coolness of the silk and so on. I finally came to a decision. Tucked away was a pale golden dress. The gold so pale it looked white, but when the sun hit it just right a flash of gold would seem to appear on the smooth fabric. The sleeves were pure fine white lace which ran all the way down the length of my arms, almost looking like it was attached to the milky tone of my skin. 

Once the dress was on and hanging elegantly against my slender frame my maid set to work on my hair. Heating up the tube of metal on the fireplace then moulding my hair into tight ringlets which flowed down my back like golden sunshine. I kept my make up to a minimum, rubbing in a little of the red blusher ointment to give my cheeks a rosy glow so my face did not look so washed out. I then dampened the black eyelash block and painted it onto my lashes.

As soon as I had done I stood before my long mirror and did a twirl. Perfect, not a hair or eyelash out of place. Yet, I still felt nervous. There was something about Sebastian’s beauty. Something otherworldly that I don’t think I could ever match. It made my heart feel heavy and my shoulders droop.

“Stand up straight, dear. No one wants to develop a hunch back.” My maids’ stern voice came.

I immediately straightened up; of course I could deal with this. I just had to be confident. Confidence was a woman’s armour, as long as she had it within her she would shine.

“Get the driver.” I ordered.


As I stepped into the carriage the butterflies within my stomach turned into a swarm of bees. The constant buzzing making my insides feel like they were vibrating. If I wasn’t careful I would bring up my breakfast and that would never be considered attractive.

“Where to, M’lady?” Inquired the driver.

“The La Royale.” I answered.

Immediately the coach pulled out into the road. The sounds of horses hooves and voices filled the air. I looked out the window at the families walking around in their finest clothes, off to the park or dinner. I smiled to myself, proud to be a part of the high class.

“Did you hear about the murder last night, Ma’am?” I heard the driver say.

“Pardon?” I squinted, confused. There were always murders and robbing’s in London, it was common amongst the poor people.

“A rather gruesome death, if I do say so myself. A young girl about your age called Mary Nicholls. Her abdomen was completely slashed.” The driver carried on.

“I do not want to hear this.” My insides flipped and I felt sicker. My own abdomen ached and I cringed at the thought of a knife slicing through flesh like it was a piece of meat. There were some truly evil people in this City.

The carriage pulled up far too soon. By now the bees felt like they were stinging me from the inside out. I fought to put a smile on my face and thank the driver before walking out. I saw men look as I came to a standstill in front of La Royale. Their eyes scanning me up and down hungrily. I smiled at a few flirtily before walking into the marble entrance. Tables were set with many dishes and people in their finest attire spoke easily to one another. The air was soaked in wealth.

“May I help you, Ma’am?” A waiter dressed up in his tailed suit stood before me.

“I am here to see Mr….” It was then that I remember I didn’t actually know Sebastian’s last name.  He had refused to tell me it the previous evening, insisting that we be friends from the start. “I am here to see Sebastian. He wanted to meet me at 2pm.”

“Oh, yes. He got here about five minutes ago. Please, follow me ma’am.”

I followed the waiter through all the tables off to a little room at the back where there was just one table, beautifully decorated with an array of cakes, pastries and triangle sandwiches. Sat at the table was Sebastian.

He was as breath takingly beautiful as the night before. His dark hair falling forward slightly as he stood and bowed.

“Hello there Lady in Lilac. Though not so Lilac today, are you?” He pushed past the waiter and drew out a chair for me. I tried to control my blushing as I sat.

“Only in Lilac on special occasions. Count yourself lucky you saw me in that colour when we first met. Some are not so lucky.”

“You speak as though you have many a gentleman after you.” Sebastian smiled slightly as he resumed his seat. “But then again, I imagine you do. A stunning girl like you would.”

I was used to compliments but the way his velvet voice moulded the words with his new world accent it made my heart skip several beats.

“They are all too safe. I prefer adventure. I might look a little tame but I promise you, on my life, I am hiding a bit of an animal.” I reply back, flirting with him.

Sebastian leans forward, resting his chin on his knuckles. His startling blue eyes just simply gaze at me. I cannot pull my eyes away from his. I am tumbling deeper and deeper into the dark void. Every part of me is focused on him. There is something in there…deep within…just as I feel I am about to collide with this unknown darkness, Sebastian sits back and I am pulled out of my daze with a sudden snap. It is like a bubble has popped and I can hear chatter and cutlery again. I blink, confused at what just happened.

Sebastian just smiled. “So, Annabel.” The way he said my name…drawing out the last syllable made me feel light headed. “Anything interesting happen within the 10 or so hours since I last saw you?”

“Oh, not much….just the driver talking about a murder. I don’t see why it was such a big deal, murders happen all the time in the city.” I leaned forward and selected a cucumber sandwich triangle from the stand, trying to look indifferent but actually feeling the ache in my abdomen again as I recalled what had happened.

“Murder?” Sebastian’s voice had dropped a couple of octaves, reminding me of wet cement hardening.

“Yes.” I said swallowing a mouthful of sandwich. The cucumber tastes too watery and the bread too dense in my mouth. I took a sip of champagne but the sweetness and bubbles made me almost gag. “Some girl called Mary or something. Her abdomen got cut if I recall correctly. I didn’t wish to hear the rest of the story.”

“Ah, yes.” Sebastian’s eyes seemed to have inhabited a glazed look, like shiny pottery.  His  mind was elsewhere. I looked down to where his hands were gripping the table so hard the tips of his fingers had gone as white as the cloth.

“Sebastian…are you okay?” I tried my best to sound reproachful but I was starting to feel nervous again. The darkness within Sebastian which I could sense seemed to be a lot more potent now.

“I must go.” Sebastian stood up suddenly, his chair flying back and all the condiments on the table shook.

I jumped back a little in my chair, startled. “Why?” I asked, not being able to hide my shock and a slight tremble in my words.

“I just remembered I had to do something. It is along the lines of urgent.” Sebastian looked down at me, and his features softened. The glazed look retreated slightly and he smiled. “I would very much like to see you again though, Annabel. Your company is rather refreshing. I shall get in touch.” And before I could answer he had walked off. I saw several of the woman eat up his appearance as he strode by, leaving a static current running through the atmosphere.

I sat there a while, wondering to myself. I wanted to see Sebastian again. He was what I always wanted, he was charming and hansom. He was wealthy. He was all those things…but he also had a sense of excitement and adventure to him. But there was something else, something which I was afraid of….that darkness within Sebastian…it screamed danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2012 ⏰

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