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Caris fell into a deep sleep one night, to find herself in the most peculiar dream she had ever dreamed.

She found herself in a dimly lit room...or was it a room? She couldn't tell. Around her were columns the size of the ones in front of the town hall, and intricately patterned crimson curtains the color of her mother's favorite apron. In front of her was a massive fountain, and her eyes must have been deceiving her, or did the water flowing from it look gold? In front of the fountain was a pedestal, which encased a faintly glowing crown. Something was urging her to take it and place it upon her head, to which she resisted. Only did she reach out, with a trembling finger, to touch the top of the masterpiece. As she did so, shivers were sent down her spine, and the glow of the crown grew more intense. She then felt herself being pulled from that place, and her sight returned to darkness.


Her eyes shot open as she awoke with a gasp, only to find that she was still in her bed....with her little sister jumping on top of her!

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY DAY TODAY, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!" Shouted Floretta. She gifted Caris with her lovely birthday song every year. "AH! Get off me right now!" Caris shouted, as she pushed her sister off her bed with a thump. Floretta giggled, and said "I'm okay!" Caris groaned. "Etta, I've told you before, you can't jump on and shout at people to wake them up; it's not nice, especially on their birthday..." Caris started, but her sister had already left the room. She sighed, as she fell back onto her pillow. Suddenly realization struck her. "I'm 14 today....I'M 14 TODAY!!" Caris shouted to herself, as she shot out of bed and danced a little happy dance. She took a deep breath to calm herself. She dressed, and went (but more likely ran) downstairs for breakfast.

"MOTHER! Do you know how old I am today?" Caris asked enthusiastically. Her mother chuckled, and looked away from the eggs she was making, to look at her daughter. "Of course I do, I birthed you. I used to count how many days old you were." Said her mother. Caris replied with a look of slight annoyance. Her mother laughed louder this time, and said "I'm just kidding. Happy birthday sweetheart." She managed to kiss her forehead, and resumed making breakfast. Caris walked over to where her sister was playing. "Etta, can you count up to how old I am?" Her sister smiled and nodded. "1..2..3..4...5...6...7..8..9..10..11..12.....14!!!!" Caris winced. "Oh, you've almost got it. Remember the counting song you learned at school? After twelve comes thirteen. But you got the whole rest right! Good job." Floretta wasn't fazed by her mistake, and only smiled before playing with her toys again. "Girls! Breakfast is ready!" Her mother called. "We're coming!" Caris managed to tear her sister away from her toys, and to the breakfast table. "We're gonna eat all our food this time, right?" Caris said, as she helped her sister into her chair. "Uh-huh..." Floretta answered timidly. "You promised you would, so you could get that toy you wanted, right?" Her sister nodded enthusiastically. Caris wondered how her sister could keep track of all the names she had given her many toys. "And I'm gonna name her....Petunia!!" Caris snickered, and said "Very nice. Now close your eyes." They said grace, and began to eat their food.


They had eaten her mother's delicious homemade lasagna that night for dinner, and after was cake. Specifically, her mother's chocolate cake. They had also invited their extended family over for dinner.

They all began to sing to her, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Caris, happy birthday to you!!!" She immediately blew out the candles, and the room erupted in applause. She smiled at and mouthed "Thank you" to everyone. Her mother carried a strangely shaped box and set it on the table in front of her. Her eyes widened. "Well go on, open it!" Said one of her cousins. She tore into the box, and it revealed....the telescope she had wanted for months! When she was studying stars in school, everyone had a telescope there. Ever since then, she had wanted one of her own; and dreamed of using to look out at the stars through her own window at night, and now she could do so whenever she pleased. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but she held them back. "Happy birthday kiddo." Her dad said, and ruffled her hair. "Thank you, everyone." She couldn't feel anything but happy, for hours.

That night, she took her new telescope, and gazed at the stars. "What a wonderful night it is. Oh how wonderful." She thought, her heart brimming with joy. She fell into another deep sleep that night, only to have another dream.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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