Found you.

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(Your P.O.V)

There's this boy at one of my class in high school. I often caught him staring at me but immediately turned his face away once he got caught.

He's actually pretty nice but if there's anything he's quite a troublemaker since he's pretty loud. But he's not like that when he's in the same room with me, I guess...

I finally asked my friend about my curiousity about him.

"Zayn Malik." My friend answered, gave me the name and I just nod, didn't know what I should exactly do after I got his name.

Once, I talked to him. It was at the front of my locker. I was shutting the locker door and Zayn was already standing by my side. Books in my hands almost fell off, I was really surprised.

"Hi." was the first word he said to me and I replied with a "hi" too. And it went to awkward silence for about a minute or two. Both of us didn't know what to say.

Until he became pretty straight forward, "can I have your number?"

My reaction was only a nod since I couldn't really say no. He kind of smiled a little as he gave me his phone. I entered my number and he said he would text me. He thanked me and just waved me a goodbye. That was very quick and weird to be honest...

But he did text me in the evening. Not only for that evening, but also the evening after that, the day after that, and turned out to be everyday.

He turned out to be a nice guy and great to chat to, and not so much a troublemaker like what I expected neither like what people said and saw.

We didn't really talk in person but we greet each other. But somehow, people in our class thought there was something more than friends between us even though we never showed it. They teased us, called us love birds, teased Zayn, teased me, the worst was maybe constantly wrote my name and Zayn's name in a heart on the board at front of the class. Just want to let you know, that board was very hard to clean up, so whatever you wrote on that would last pretty much forever.

I definitely didn't mind too much, but the teases were getting more annoying every single time and I didn't like that kind of attention I sometimes got. Well, I hold everything in until one day his friends kind of crossed the line.

The English class started a new material on romance literature. And someway, somehow, my name and Zayn's name had to be brought up by one of Zayn's friends.

My cheeks turned red as the whole class started to tease us, even the professor! This was totally not kind of attention I liked.

I didn't want to hear anything anymore, so I decided to get up from my chair and left the room, didn't care if I just caused a worse scene.

The corner of my eye spotted Zayn who's also not happy about this scene and he's about to get up to chase me. But I sped up my walk and left the class, and may as well as going home. Even on the way out from the class, the class still whistled and teased us and the professor was still chuckling.

Before I reached the main gate to go home, I heard rapid footsteps of someone running to my direction.

"(y/n)! Wait!" The unfamiliar voice called me.

It's Zayn, and I could say that he was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. My reason is because if Zayn never reached out to me, none of this would happen. But that's nonsense and I'd be lying to say that met someone like Zayn wasn't 'something'

"What?! There's nothing for you to say, okay?!" I screamed at him and he looked a bit taken a bit.

"I- I'm sorry for what my friend did, I know he embarrassed you, I am so sorry..." He apologised.

I knew it's not his fault actually. We never really talk in person and we didn't have anything by that time. It's his friends who we could blame on.

"I never really talk to you in person because I-" he stopped his sentence and let out a breath, "when it comes to you, you made me nervous... There's just something about you, (y/n)" he explained.

"I just dislike the kind of attention your friends thrown to me... It was all too much and I don't even want to go to that class anymore, Zayn." I told him.

"Believe it or not, it was a little too tough for me to get through..." I sigh as I feel my cheek heated up and my eyes sting. Great, I was about to cry.

He stayed silent but he didn't take his eyes off from me. I looked down at my feet and my tears rolled down my cheeks. I cried in front of him and I could tell he's confused and wasn't expecting this at all. But he didn't go away or anything and stayed silent.

His feet moved toward mine, I could feel he's now standing closer to me. His hand lifted my face so I was looking at him again. He ran his thumb over my tears to wipe them. He remained silent as I was too.

He pulled me closer to his chest. He had his arms around me and I couldn't help but froze.

"I'm sorry." was all he said.

We remained in our position until the bell rang. His hands reached mine and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

"It's been a tough day, may I take you home?" He asked and I just nod even though I was unsure.

That day was quite a chaos, but that's how I found him, Zayn, the man who I love with all my heart until today and for the rest of our days.


(Author's Note)


Idk if this is legal, but this imagine was inspired from my friend's experience tbh... I twisted it a bit to make it more interesting ;) but sorry if you found this imagine weird :/


And I am sorry for not giving you guys anything for the 2K reads appreciation... But thank you so much once again!! This means a lot to me!!

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Love lots,
Jennifer xx.

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