1. A Woman Spared

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A Woman Spared


"I am seriously worried about you."

"About me? Why?"

"You never talk to me anymore, you're growing increasingly quiet, and I feel like you're slipping away."

"I thought being quite was considered a virtue."

"Not in this case, what is up with you?"

"Ah, my friend, life has dealt with me harshly."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"That is a story for another time. For now, let's focus on mending our friendship."

"But how can we mend our friendship if you don't tell me the problem. Friendships with secrets never work."

"Okay, if it means that much to you, I'll tell you. A woman has stolen my heart."

"That's great news! You can finally get married. Tell me what she looks like?"

"But that is the problem, dear friend, I have never seen her face."

"And you say you love her? But how is that possible? Have you ever spoken to her? Perhaps she has a wonderful voice."

"No, dear friend, I have not. I don't know what she looks or sounds like."

"But then, how could you have fallen in love with her?"

"It remains a mystery to this day, my friend."

"Something must have captivated you. Tell me, what did you like about her?"

"I do not know, but something in her movements made me want to stare at her forever."

"Ah, so it is the way she moves, the way she walks?"

"Perhaps, but there is more."

"Do tell, good friend."

"Well, it's her aura, it's like she has this presence when she moves, and her scent is delicious."

"So it is the fragrance?"

"Yes, but not only. Her manners are so graceful, like that of a pianist, she moves with such precision. Never losing her balance."

"Tell me more!"

"Her actions are so pure, like she is unaware of her existence or the stir that she creates."

"But how is it possible that you have observed her so carefully but have never seen her or heard her voice?"

"She observes purdah, my friend."

"A Muslim! Well, I suppose that could be overlooked if she would be willing to convert, and if she's so lovely."

"Why wouldn't she be willing to convert? Am I not son of the Hindu Raj? And she is lovely."

"Yes, of course you are. Many women are dying to marry you. Probably she is too, but that faith of her restricts her."

"Yes, perhaps. But I don't think she noticed me. Like I said, she is so unaware of the world, only concentrating on the task at hand."

"But she must've noticed you, surely she must've."

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Then, why don't you ask for her hand? I don't assume that her family will be rich enough to have pride."

"Yes, yes, she's not very well off. I can easily bribe the father. But there is one problem."

"What is that?"

"What if she's ugly? Or has some hideous deformity? Or a terrible voice, maybe a stutter?"

"I had not thought of that."

"You see friend, if she has either of those, she cannot be my wife or the Rani."

"Yes, I see."

"Obviously, after she has married me, she will have to abandon purdah and assume her duties as a Rani. That requires public appearances. My mother was the beauty of India. I wouldn't want to stain our reputation."

"Yes, you are right, an ugly Rani would be an absolute disaster."

"That is my dilemma my friend. I don't want to take the risk of marrying her if she's not beautiful."

"Yes, it would be a pity if such a graceful woman was not pretty."

"Beauty and youth are the basis of any marriage."

"Yes, but what of inner beauty?"

"Inner beauty? How does that matter my friend? The only thing people will look at will be her outer beauty. Inner beauty is for beggars and peasants who can afford ugly wives."

"But you are to spend the rest of your life with your wife. Does it matter is she's immensely beautiful but ugly at heart?"

"You are wrong my friend, she is to spend the rest of her life with me. A man can marry again. But the woman has to stay faithful. But anyway, women are submissive creatures and can be molded, with the right amount of force and control."

"You mean hitting her?"

"Not necessarily. If she is a good wife, she will obey my commands without any hesitation. But a slap once or twice won't do any harm."

"I see. So, have you reached a solution for your dilemma, friend?"

"I think I have."

"Pray do tell."

"I will just try to forget about her. After all, there are many other options available in the market, you know."

"Yes, but I thought you loved her."

"I may, but love is not worth beauty, or the risk."

"I suppose."

"Believe me, I am making the right decision. Love is for fools, and the Raj of Bengal is no fool."

"Of course not."

"I will forget about her, after all nobody likes a hideous witch anyway."

"How do you know she is one?"

"Well, she wasn't strong enough to capture my heart so that makes her one."

"I bid you farewell, dear friend, I will call upon you later."

"Farewell, friend, and take lesson from my words!"

"Yes, yes, I have taken lesson, but only time will prove it."


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