Day 4 - Head in the Game

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Paris: We return on day 4!!
India: There will be fights and challenges, here on I'm a Minecrafter,
Paris & India: Get me out of here!!

Paris: And were back again with the next chapter of I'm a Minecrafter!!
India: In a minute we will be heading to the camp so we can inform the campers who will be competing in today's Challenge.
Paris: But first we're going to head over to the camp and see how their morning is doing..

*Scene Change - Camp*

Naty: *Wakes up*
Talking Booth, Naty: The mornings are getting better.. I think we're all getting used to being in camp because it took ages for us to wake up, we all had a nice lie in.
Cece: Morning Naty..
Naty: Morning.. How was your sleep?
Cece: So much better!!
Naty: Me too..
Cece: I'm a little hungry, you want some beans?
Naty: Yeah but Lizzie's asleep..
Cece: Very funny, I'll make them..
Talking Booth, Cece: I may have burned the beans.. Heh heh..
Naty: Well it's better than nothing..
Jesse: *Wakes up* Do I smell burning?
Lukas: *Wakes up* Yeah what is that?
Naty: Cece's cooking!!
Jesse: What is Lizzie asleep?
Cece: Pretty much..
Lukas: Well burnt food is better than no food at all.. *Takes a small portion*
Jesse: *Takes a small portion*
Dan: *Wakes Up*
Lizzie: *Wakes up*
Aiden: *Wakes up* urrgg I'm still here!!
Lizzie: Is something burning?
Cece: I tried to cook some breakfast..
Lizzie: Do you want me to make some more?
Jesse: But then they'll be less for tomorrow or later..
Talking Booth, Lukas: Because there's only enough food for 4 people for about 17-18 days.. We've arranged the amount of rice and beans were allowed each day so we don't starve.. But it's not working because we're all starving..
Lizzie: It can't be that bad..
Dan: Think of the burnt parts as... Flavouring!! Very bitter flavouring!!
Jesse: It's actually not that bad..
Talking Booth, Cece: Considering that we only have a certain amount of food.. I really shouldn't be trusted to cook..

*Scene Change - Out Side the Camp

Paris: Now let's go in and tell them who will be competing in Head in the Game.
Paris & India: *Enter Camp* Hey Guys!!
Everyone: Morning!!
India: We have the results for who shale be competing in today's Challenge, Head in the Game.
Paris: Jesse, you won't be competing since you competed in yesterdays challenge..
India: In no particular order, Dan.............. It's not you.
Dan: *Sarcastic* Great!!
Paris: Stacy................. It's not you.
Stacy: Still!!
India: Cece................. It's not you.
Cece: Ok then!!
Paris: Aiden................. It might be you.
Jesse: Let's just be honest, were all not surprised..
India: Lukas................ It's not you.
Lukas: Ohhh Man!!
Paris: Amy................. It's not you.
Amy: ...
India: Lizzie............... It's not you.
Lizzie: Damn It!!
Paris: Naty............... It's not you.
India: So that means 360, it might be you!!
Paris: The person competing in Head in the Game is.............................. 360.
360: *La Gasp* Yes!!
Talking Booth, 360: I'm really happy that I'm not going to be competing with Aiden, because I would have literally gone crazy!! If I was!!
Paris: We'll see you later!! *leaves camp with India*
360: I'm looking forward to this!!
Cece: You are!?
360: Yeah... I mean I'm a little nervous but there not that bad right?
Jesse: No.. When you get past the bugs and snakes and stuff there actually pretty fun.
Stacy: Why haven't I been voted for one yet!!
Lizzie: Or me!!
Amy: Not sure...
360: I'm going to go now.. I'll see you all later!!
Everyone: Bye!!

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