Life as I know it

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What do you want me to do Matthew?'' , Christine (my mom) said ' I want you to fix all this mess, after all, it's your fault', Matthew (my dad) said. Just as I thought everything was going good and my parents stopped their almost daily discussion who's the one that got them into financial troubles. I am so sick and tired of! When is it going to stop! They always want to break up and end their marriage and in that phase, I am getting emotionally ready. But it never happened. When I was younger I always chose a side, and I was the one that was going through the most pain, because if they stopped fighting I was still upset. My mom used to say, 'Julie, darling put a smile on your face it makes your prettier'. How could I smile, if I know that the change we can loose our house grows every day. And what's next?

That is the reason I decided to move out, I couldn't handle it anymore. Off course, I am helping my parent paying off their debt by working next to my study. I mean it's hard sometimes, but I don't want to see them on the street.

My day at Uni just finished and I was heading to work. I work at a nightclub, but it is a brunch room in the afternoon, so I can make more money by working from the afternoon until the next morning sometimes. My boss Paul is one of the most genuinely kindest people I know, and he is always protecting me from those creepy guys. I was walking toward the changing room. 'Hey Sunshine, how was class?', Paul said. 'Hey Paul, it was a really interesting class, but I was so distracted by your face, I mean it's like a piece of art', I said. Okay miss smartypants, being sarcastic hahaha', he said. 'But I know how artistic my face is, that's why it's on the wall', he said smiling at his one painting. 'I'm going to change Paul, stay beautiful', I said smiling. ' Always, Kick some ass today Sunshine', he said.

The nightclub was going to open and people were waiting outside in line. The club is called Nobu and it's very popular among celebrities. So I had the opportunity the meet a lot of Hollywood stars. It's amazing, and sometimes terrible because some celebrities have such an arrogant attitude and the will treat me like some kind of dog. It is just ridiculous. Tonight I am serving the VIP booths so that means I will have a productive night ahead.

'Hi girl, could you bring us some extra champagne and some vodka to our table?' said the guy who looked exactly like Chris Brown. Ohh wait, It is Chris Brown. 'Yeah, of course, I will be right back', I replied.

As I was walking back to take bring bottles to Chris and his friends, somebody just pushed me a little as a result that the bottles just felt on the ground. That bottles were so expensive, I could never pay them back. As I was picking the glass from the ground I heard a voice say; 'Oh god, I am so sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. Wait let me help you'. As the guy was facing me now I saw one of the gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. I stared at him for five seconds without saying a word. As I was staring I didn't notice I still had some glass in my hand that was cutting me. 'Aww, Shit, I mean...., sorry it's my hand, I cut it', I said shy. 'First I let you fall and second I am the reason you are bleeding right now, I am such an idiot', he said. 'Here let me help you, I am bringing this glass pieces to the bar and then you can put some bandage on that wound, and I am paying for the bottles', he said. 'That's is not necessary, I can handle it, but thank you for your help', I said. 'But I insist', he said smiling and looking concerned. 'Really you don't have to, I can do it, but thanks again, enjoy your night', I said as is walked away.

It hurt so bad, and the wound won't stop bleeding. I started to cry, I didn't want to but the pain was so extreme. I was sitting in the changing room, trying to fix my wound. And why didn't I take the help from that gorgeous guy? I have never been in love or had a relationship, but I really want to have a boyfriend. But with all the stuff going on at home and in combination with work and my study, I didn't really put an effort in boys. And now I will never see Mr. pretty eyes again.

As I stopped crying and put some bandage on my hand, I decided it was time to get back. As I walked back to the bar I noticed that somebody was staring at me. Oh god, it was Mr. Pretty Eyes, what does he want? He was walking towards me. 'Hi there, I wanted to pay for the bottles that felt on the floor', he said smiling. Oh, I thought he was going to say something else, why should he, I mean he probably has some kind of supermodel girlfriend. 'Yes, of course', I replied. 'Do you want to pay cash or with your credit card?', I asked. 'Cash please', he said. He handed me the money and he touched my hand a little bit. I was shivering. I think he noticed.

'Do you have any plans on Saturday', he asked me. 'Uhmm well, no... not really, I replied. What was he doing? Is he going to ask me out? No way!! 'That's great I was wondering if you liked to come to a party', he said smiling. "I love to, but I don't really know you, so...', I replied. What the hell am I doing, this handsome and kind guy are asking me to join him to a party, and I am brushing him off, WTF JULIE!? 'Well at this party there are lots of other people, so you are not alone with me, and for the record, I am not a serial killer haha, he said. 'Please say yes, so I can make it up to you', he said. Oh god, his eyes are irresistible, I can't say no to him, he is too cute. 'Okey, I will go to the party', I said smiling.

'Can I get your number so I can text you', he said. 'Of course', I said. I wrote down my number and my name and gave the paper to him. 'Thank you, and nice to meet you Julie', he said and winked at me. 'Oh I totally forget to introduce myself my name is Ryan', he said shaking my hand. 'Nice to meet you to Ryan', I blushed. He begins to smile. 'See you soon Julie, I can't wait', he winked. I smiled and was speechless so I just raised my hand and kind of waved awkwardly.

This is definitely not life as I know it!

//AN: Dear reader , thank you so much for reading my story. I will try to post a new chapter on a weekly base. Again, it means a lot to me that you are taking the time to read it.

All the love,


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