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Emily's POV

"Can I get a towel?" I chicken hide behind the door and quickly slam it in fear.

What's wrong with me, I can't just go sleaze around with Marcel.

After my continued shower, I pop my head out of the door once more and yell about the non-existent towel. Once again, it's creepy using something that a kid dried his body with.

"Coming!" I hear him trip up the stairs. "So sorry. So so sorry." He catches his breath and hands me the violet towel.

I immediately smile. "You put one in the drier?"

"I mean, yeah. I didn't want you to be cold." He looks at the floor.

"You're so sweet." I pinch him on the nose and close the door.

"I can not believe I forgot my makeup." I try to scrunch the water out of my hair.

"I-I can go get it for you if you would like." He slowly pours the bread crumbs into the cup while staring at the cook book I gave him last week.

"No. No. I'll get it." I hop off the talk kitchen chair. "I'll be back in a few."

I always love the moments where you just can think. Like long car rides or the middle of the night or somewhere where you're just alone. But then you get the pressure that you have limited time just to think.

We've gotten so close over the past couple of months. We go out for lunch or after-school, do homework and study together. Basic friend things, but I can't help but think that something is missing. I know there's things he hasn't yet told me like he said before. But why can't he tell me them? What makes them so treacherous that even one of your closest friends can't know?

Maybe it's because I'm not a guy. Maybe it's just a guy thing.

As I walk back from my house with my train case of makeup and a thousand things and clothes I probably won't use in a tote, I can't help but get excited for this summer. My internship, my last real summer vacation.

"Back." I shut the large-framed wooden door behind me.

"Just in time for the chicken." Marcel takes off his big, red oven mitts and grins.

"Bring it upstairs, I have to prep for the prep." I slide the stack of magazines off of the boxes of shoes I just manage to see above.

Seeing my struggle, Marcel helps with my bags and boxes and manage to bring up the chicken strips in a little Ziploc.

"Chicken me." I call from the bathroom.

"A-are you going to burn me with that thing again?" I hear a giggle.

"It wasn't a burn, you wuss. It wasn't even hot yet." He asked for it anyways. He refused to share his soda.

"Fine," he huffs and I hear the bed squeak.

"You should be flattered." I take a bite off of the chicken strip being help up by the impatient hand.

Marcel's POV

I can't help but admire just how beautiful this girl is. Even though I know I have been "friend-zoned," I don't mind. I don't really mind anything anymore as long as it makes her happy.

Her rosy pink makeup just makes the world go round. Just when she laughs, her soft big curls fall into her face and she doesn't even care. She doesn't care, I don't care, I don't even care if I'm making sense right now.

I feel like I can tell her anything. I want to tell her anything, everything.

And then it hit me. I can't. I won't. It's not possible to tell her anything about me. I want to know her. She doesn't need to know anything about me.

But then again, what's the point. I'm friend-zoned. Oh, we-

Both of our heads snap at the sound of the doorbell.

"It's only seven." She clicks her phone

"G-Gemma's at her sisters." I squint.

"Nope," she unplugs her iron and grabs her clothes. "I refuse."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's your mother isn't it." She wipes her makeup from the counter into her suitcase looking object.

Oh. "She's not a big deal." I assure her.

"Look at me. I'm in sweatpants and a baseball shirt. Does it look like I'm ready to meet your mother?" She's freaking out for no reason,

"You look beautiful."

"Mum?" I rush down the stairs and nearly trip.

"Yes, Honey. I'm home early because Debra got to take the late shift since tomorrow is graduation." She calls from the kitchen.

I decide to go in and look for some orange juice that Em has been incorporated back into my diet.

After a brief conversation on her day I hear something drop upstairs, of course.

"What was that?"

"I have someone over."

"Harry that is so rude." I cringe at her use of name.

"Mom," I scold her for her choice in name.

"Sorry," she looks briefly down at the counter at the chicken.

"You cook now?" She raises her eyebrows in surprise.

"With the help of the friend, yes."

"Achem," I hear a cough from the hallway.

"I'll go get her." I run outside

I immediately see Emily impatiently leaning against the wall, biting her nails. "I only have this," she points. "And my graduation gown." Out of all of those bags she brought, she didn't bring regular clothes?

"You look fine." I repeat and shove her into the kitchen door-frame before she said another word.

"Mum," I begin, Emily still mumbling curses. "This is my friend, Emily Faye."

My mother obnoxiously fixes her hair and dress before turning around. "How are you, love. My name is Annebell but everyone calls me Anne." She politely scans the quintessential features of my friend.

After a quick introduction of herself and small talk, Emily excused us from the kitchen.

"See, not so bad, now, was it?" I manage to whisper as we made out way up the stairs like little school children.

"I can't believe you never told her I, nor anyone that was coming, were coming over. How rude does that make me look?" She angrily folds some of Gemma's clothes. "Why couldn't we just do it at mine? I invited them. But no, you had to come and insist that you held it."

"Relax. I-It's just a few friends." I defend.

I hear it the rest of the night from her and her friends.


Hey guys just wanted to say that from now on it's gonna get a bit more.. interesting. So I hope you enjoyed a little introduction of the main characters, especially Emily because she is a very straight forward character. Har-Marcel's character has a bit more but I have a lot of ideas i'm looking forward to throw in here because I would hate if someone thought this was one of those standard, cookie-cutter Marcel fanfics where he just turns "dark" then back. I don't know. ahah :)

Much love xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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