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(A week later)
I grab my bag with my camping stuff in it. I kiss my parents goodbye and walk outside.

We were meeting at Liam hosue. His house was 5 blocks away from my house so I made a real quick stop at the Gas station.

I grabbed a few water bottles And pay for it. I walk out and head to Liams house.

"Hey Jaiden!"My 3 best friend greet me.

"Hey guys! Ready?"I ask with a big smile.


"Ok let's go!"

We all walk North to the "Enhanted lakes Camping site".

"Hey Jaiden"? Max said.

"What's up?"I ask.

"When we get all settle up Want ti take a walk with me?"He asked.

I blush a little. "Sure " I asnwer and give him a smile.

"Would you two love birds stop flirting with each other it's making me sick" Stated Liam

We both look away and Blush.

(Maxs point of veiw)
Yes! Finnaly we could be alone!! Max yelled in his head.

"We're here!" Yelled  Jaiden.

We all walk and I look around at the Waterfalls and forest.

We all Awwwww exept Jaiden she's the only one in the group that been here.

We see the all our belongings. "Ready jaiden?"I ask.

"Yup!"She replies with thay amazing smile of hers.

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