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(No one's Point of veiw)

The girls come back from their fishing trips bringing in the Fish.

They see the two boys looking away akward. "What hpappned?"Asked Jaiden.

There was silence. "What happend boys?"Asked ally.

Again Since. Ally and Jaiddn look at each other Confused.

"Tell us before we kick you in the nu-"


"YOU PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ally yells kicking him in the Nuts.

Max loos around seeing Liam on the flooring Groaning of the pain.

He hears jaiden giggles. He looks around and see her giggling. He makes a little Smile and blushes.

Jaiden looks and gives him back. A smile.

(Short time Later)

While Ally and Jaiden was Coooking the fish Max and Liam were laughing while waning vanossgaming on their phone on youtube (Anyone else fans of Him I am mega!")

Jaiden sighs and walks towards them.

"It's camping guys enjoy the outdoors " Jaiden says giving them a pout.

"Sorry cupcake" Said Max putting his Phone away.

Jaiden blushes and walks towards were ally Is.

"Ok boys were done with dinner called ally serving them dinner.

They all eat thier dinner pretty fast.

They all get around the Campfire and  make smores.

"God,This is good Mummbled Max eating g the Smores.

"Paradise " Liam agrees eating It.

The two girls giggle and start eating their Smores.

The two boys smirk at eachother and look at the girls. The two girls raised an eyebrow untill the two boys smashed the smores againts he girls faces.



The girls start running and Chasing the Two boys while they were  laughing.

They all stopped, panting. "Well will get you one day you retards " Said jaiden.

"Goodluck with that Cupcake" Replied Max.

This time jaiden rolls her eyes insted of blushing.

Liam looks up from the ground and see the Moon half Dark half Bright. Liam eyes get widen.

"M-ax"Lain manged to say.

"What " Max repiled.

"Look up"

Max looks up and so does the Girls. Their eyes turned to wide eyes with Panic in them.

They all look eachother. Liam checks what time it was 11:45.

They all look at each other. "We need to get the stuff!"Said Jaiden.

"SCREW THE STUFF WE GOTTA RUN LIKE HELL!!!!"Yelled Liam grabbing Allys hand running through the forest.

Sunndly,Max picks up Jaiden bridal Style and run toward Liam.

Jaiden starts blushing crazy holding on to Maxs Neck.

They all run out of the forest and head toward Liams house it was the Closet toward the Forest.

Sunndly,Ally and Liam trip over a branch and So does Max and Jaiden since it was dark and they couldnt see.

Liam looks at his watch 12:00.

The Clock of the town rings when it hit 12:00. The moon was sunndly dark.

They all look at eachother. Sunndly, gash of wind swirls around the 4 Teens.

They all get up and Run In Liam house.

The two girls start crying hugging each other on the Couch.

The two Boys start yell cuss words slamming thier fist on the Tabel.

"Look,We all need to Clam down " Said max.

There was Silence until Jaiden spoke. "Im sacred".

"It's ok " Max repiled wrapping hid arms around Jaiden.

Jaiden  comes Scarlet Red.

"We should all huddle together Tonight Said Liam wrapping his amrs around Ally.

Ally than blushes like Jaiden scarlet red.

They all huddle together on the sofa.

And they close their eyes and fall alseep.

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