TO THE MATT-CAVE! *insert Batman fanfare here*

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Ugh. I hate caves. They were always so...dark and always made me feel claustrophobic. I know what your thinking. And I know the irony of my power being light and I'm actually afraid of...well...the dark...I'm always scared of anything I can't see...and the dark just insures that I can't see...and this whole adventure just made my fear worse. But this cave was much different. The last time I had been here it was just a normal cave. But now it was all lit up with LED lights lining the walls of the cave. Tables were lined up in two rows. Papers, assorted contraptions and machine parts were scattered across said tables. "Ugh. Sorry it's such a mess. Wasn't expecting guests." Matthew said. I laughed. "You'd need like a year's notice just to clean one row!" Matthew shrugged. I remembered when we first found this place. It was right next to the grounds where they held the fall fair every year. Matthew said he might fix the place up a bit. "It'd be good for space to make...stuff like robots or paper crafts." (Matt loved making paper stuff.)
"Woah." Nelson said as he walked in. "You can say the again Nel." Emanuel said.
"Can you tell me where the hell we ar-" Alex stopped. "HOLY SHIT ITS THE BATCAVE!" He looked at Matthew. "Does that make you 'Matt-man' then?"
Matthew snickered. "I guess so."
I sat down in a spinny-chair and, like the little kid I was, I spun around in it. I grabbed the table to stop spinning. I grabbed a piece of paper and pencil and started to sketch. Taylor leaned on the desk. "Whatcha drawing?" She asked. I held up the paper for her to see. "Our battle plan." She raised her eyebrows. "What's that?" She asked pointing to a big cylinder with many tubes attached to it that was in the middle of the page. I shrugged. "How should I know? Light told me that's what they may be planning to use to awaken his brother. He scouted the hall for us. And our goal..."I stabbed a hole through the back of the paper with my pencil so that it put a hole through the machine. Taylor jumped because of this. "Is to take it out. They chose to put it in the hall both as a symbolic kinda thing, but also because it's the most magical place on earth."
Taylor smiled. "I thought that was DisneyWorld?"
"You obviously don't spend enough time on the internet." We both laughed. "OH MY FUCKING GOD HE HAS A PLASMA CUTTER?!" Alex yelled from the other side of the room. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU MAKING HERE? THEY USE THESE TO MAKE CARS! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN NEED THIS?!"
The lights on the wall flickered off. I yelped. A orange circle of LED lights lit up in the centre of the room. The floor opened up and a glass cylinder case came out. Inside of it was a human-like figure. "For this." Matthew gestured to the case. The rest of the lights flickered back on. I realized with a shock that it wasn't a person. It was...armour. And amazing armour at that. It was orange and yellow. It looked kinda like a combination of ancient and high-tech space age designs. "Lady and gentlemen!" He stood in front of the case. The front of the armour opened up. The armour leaped towards his back. It closed over him so that he was now wearing the armour. "I give you...the MoltenFlame Armour!"
"Holy...Matthew..." Emanuel said.
"Wait so I'm he Batman or Ironman?" Alex said.
"D-Do we get armour?" Nelson asked.
"Yes." Matthew said in his totally AWESOME armour. "I have all the materials."
"Don't you mean Matterials?" I said. "Heh? Get it?" Taylor face palmed.
"Anyways..." I flicked on the plasma cutter. "Let's get to work!"

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