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Myanna P.O.V
Jesse? He sum different. But I know he somebody I can't fuck with. Although he not the person that kidnapped me and he ainn have nothing to do with. And he basically saved me but my father not going to see it like that. After he take me my parents Ik they gonna kill him. Its jus the fact that he work with Carter. Ion want Jesse to get killed. I like him. Ion even kno if I like like him or if I like him as a friend. Ik it's something there between us but I don't kno if I should push on it. After he brought me that stuff and kissed me My feeling been all over the place. I'm jus gonna keep it on a friend level. I do have a boyfriend. His name is Tre. Yess Ik I cheated on Tre with Quan but Tre been cheating on me. He mad cause I won't have sex with him yet. But I don't care. We with each and these other lil side Hoes don't matter. I wonder if Tre miss me? I wonder if he trying to help get me back? I wonder how he is doing? I miss tf outta Tre. We had so many good times with each other. I might love him but with Jesse in the picture idk.

Jesse still behind me holding me for dear life. I never fell asleep. TBH I'm too scared to fall asleep. There was loud banging at the door. Jesse head poped up. My body tenses up. Ik it's Carter. Jesse hopes up and grabbed his gun. He threw another gun to me. He put his finger up to mouth telling me to keep quiet. Tears slid down my face. We finna die. That's the only thing that crossed my mind.
"Jesse Ik you got that girl in there." Carter yelled still banging.
Jesse turned towards me and saw I crying with my head down.
"Calm down baby girl. I need you to be stronger than you ever been in life." He whispered. He pulled my head up and kissed me on my lips.
"Okay." I said

"You have been warned. Give me the girl and you won't get killed." Carter said.
Jesse Ainn say nun. He counted down from 3 and swung the door open.

Gun shot rang out. This ainn nun new to me. I done killed a couple mfkas with my daddy , mama and Levi.
I got up from the bed. Jesse grabbed me and pulled towards the door.
"We gonna have to be like Bonnie and Clyde in this bitch." I said
"FUCK ah Bonnie and Clyde we need to be like Mason And Princess."
We came from behind the door and instantly started shooting. I Ainn even going to lie it was hurting real bad to walk. All the bruises on my leg. My pumpum ache. But I had to fight through the pain.
We was almost to the door. Sweet sweet sweet freedom. I felt a hot gun barrel on my head.
"Where you going bitch?" Carter said. I let go Jesse hand and that caused him to turn around.
Carter shot him. I saw his body fall to the ground.
"Nooooooooo!!!" I screamed out. I broke lose of Carter hold on me. I dropped to the ground. I picked Jesse head up and he winked at me.

He pushed me out the way and shot Carter. 9 shots. 9 holes. I saw Carter body jerk to every bullet that was put in him. His lifeless body laid there on the floor.
Jesse groaned as he tired to shit up.
"Come on. We gotta get out of here."I said. I helped Jesse get off the floor. He got shot in his shoulder. We walked out the door.
"Which one is yours?" I asked.
"Black BMW." I noticed he was going in and out.
"Come on Jesse you gotta stay up." I said making my way across the street to his car. I grabbed his car keys out his pocket and unlocked the car. I opened the passages side of the door and put him in. I jogged to the other side of the car and got in. I started the car up then I remembered ion kno where tf I'm at.

I looked around his car for a gps. I finally found one in his glove compartment. I searched for the nearest hospital and I found one not too far. I put the car in drive and did 90 all the way there. Ik I couldn't get Jess out the car by myself with him passed out. I ran in the hospital and grabbed the first doctor I saw.
"My boyfriend got shot. He in the car." I damned near screamed out.

5 Hours Later

Me,my mama,daddy ,Levi and Jesse friend T all sat in the waiting room. I found Levi number in Jesse phone after I called T. That's was about 4 and 1/2 hours ago. My father thought he gonna make me leave hospital. He had me all types of fucked up. Levi understood tho. He the one that calmed dad down and convinced him to let me stay. Dad only agreed if I saw a doctor. So I saw a doctor but I Ainn tell them about me getting raped. I was too embarrassed too plus my mom was in the room and Ik she was gonna tell my dad. I ainn want Jesse getting killed for sum he ainn do or have any control ova. I been back in the waiting room for about 30 minutes now. Levi ainn say one thing too me or even look me in my eyes. I think I even caught sum tears leaving his eyes when he first got here but maybe I was tripping.

"Family of Jesse Moore." A doctor with a white lab coat came from the back and said.
"Ova here." T said.
The doctor walked over to us.
"Well he is fine. He lost a lot of blood but we was able to save from slipping into a coma. He should be waking up in the next 30 minutes or so. He in room 504." The doctor said
"Thanks." I said
Me,Levi and T went to Jesse room.  We walked in the room. I sat in the seat right next to his bed.
"Fuck Mann." T said rubbing his hands over his head. He walked out the room slamming the door behind him.
"Aye Mann ion kno if you can hear me or not but I appreciate you for bringing my sister back to me.When you get out of here hit me up I got chu. " Levi said. He stayed for a few more seconds then he left out. I took Jesse hand in mines.
"I'm not leaving til you wake up. You was there for me now it's time for me to be here for you." I said.
Jesse grip became tight. My eyes shot open. I looked up and saw Jesse with a grin on his face.
"You really care for ah nigga huh?" He asked.
"Jesse you do sum things to me." I said with a smile.
"Gimme kiss." I leaned in and we shared a passionate much needed kiss.

Sum body cleared they throat. I looked up and saw my mama dad Levi and T.
My mom had the biggest smile on they face. My dad looked like he wanted to kill Jesse. T had ah look of disgust on his face and Levi jus this unreadable look.
"Time to go Myanna." My dad said.
"But dad." I wined.
"Girl your daddy jus playing." My mama said while hitting my dad in the arm.
"We wanted to cum in here and thank Jesse for bringing our baby girl home." My mom said
"No problem." Jesse said.
My mom came by me and sat down. She had this big ole grin in her face. I swear sum times I hate telling my mom stuff. While we was waiting for my test results to cum back I told my mom about Jesse. And ole how she act like a teenager wen I told her. My mom got so excited cause this the only boy I told her about. I mean she kno about T but that's only because Levi called and tricked on me. My parents came home so fast and beat my ass. That day I vowed to never ever have sex again.
"I heard so much about you." My mom said. I cocked my head to the side and my mom that "really bitch" face. She so about to embrace me.

"Is that so?"Jesse asked while smiling at me.
"All good things tho." My mom said.
"Yeah." I never noticed til now that me and Jesse never let go hands.
"Jesse I gotta bounce. Jay steady calling me." T said.
"Ite man. Tell wifey I said wassup." Jesse said while dapping T up.
T left the room and it left me and my family.
"We gotta go. Myanna you cumn or you staying with your boo." My mom asked. She really thought it was funny. I looked up to Jesse and saw he had this grin on his face.
"That calling that opp ass nigga ah boo princess." My dad said.
"Don't start Mason." My mama said. I hung my head low. Only if my daddy knew what Jesse did for me.
"In all due respect sir but I care for your daughter. In these 4 days i spent with her have been the best. If I ainn care about her you think I would've risked my life,turned my back on my gang?" Jesse said
"All part of you and Carter plan." My dad said
"Carter dead."Jesse said."I killed him myself."
Everything went silent. My dad had a look of complete shock on his face.
"I'm staying mom. Just bring me sum clothes and food." I said. My mom dug in her purse and pulled $100 dollars out.
"Go get you and Jesse sum from that lil restaurant cross the street."
"Thanks mom." I said hugging her.
After the left I climbed in the bed with Jesse.
"You kno you do sum to me baby girl." Jesse said while kissing my forehead.
Tre. That names been popping in my head a lot lately. I had to tell Jesse about him.
"Jesse....." I trailed off
"Shhh baby girl. Let's jus lay here and enjoy the moment." Jesse said.
Only if you knew. I thought to myself.

Falling for Jesss. Ik I am. But once he finds out about Tre he gonna leave me alone. Maybe for good.

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