~Serena's Letter to Ash~

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Dear Ash,

How has life in Alola been? It is big? Have you met new friends? Why am I even asking this of course you have! I heard that there's a lot to do there. I feel like it would be a vacation place that would be fun to visit, but actually living there? That sounds like a total dream! Have you heard from Clemont or Bonnie? They occasionally call me but not as often as I would like because of performing and stuff.

I'm still in Hoenn training with Palermo. Don't get me wrong it's fun and all but it does get kinda boring and I get lonely. Practicing performances 24/7 is not as fun as it sounds (if it sounds fun at all in the first place). Palermo is treating me well, she's like a second mom to me. Aria has come to visit us a couple times just to see what's up and has been helping me come up with new ideas, yeah it's pretty cool haha.

I've been missing the life in Kalos. Traveling with you, Clemont and Bonnie was something I took for granted. I didn't deserve all the love and kindness you three gave me. You were the one helping me, I should've done more to help you. From skipping your gym battles and going to my performances instead, to saving me from anything time after time. I'm now realizing how lucky I was.

You gave me strength when no one else would. That's why you got what you got before we parted ways. I know you've always been dense and stuff,  but I'd hope you feel the same way I do. I know, I know it was something really unexpected but it's how I felt. How I feel towards you still to this day and I hope you feel the same.

When we meet up again, I want to give you a really, really big hug and tell you everything. I want you to be there to help me make my pokepuffs. I want you to be there when I'm sad cause you're the only one that can cure it. I want you to be there when I become Kalos Queen one day. I want to be able to see you everyday. I want to be able to chat with you all day everyday.

If you couldn't get the message before, I'll tell you right now. Ash I really, really like you. I have ever since we met at the summer camp when we were only kids. I know, I know you only helped me up and lead me back to camp. But it was a magical moment for my 6 year old self. It was like having Superman come and save Lois Lane! When I saw you on tv that one day, my heart began to beat faster and faster, it began to flutter. I had no idea why until I heard your name,

Ash Ketchum

I just knew I had to go and visit you. I had no idea what the future would hold. I didn't even think about journeying whatsoever until you asked me to join you. I was shocked but also kind of excited. Traveling with their bestest friends around Kalos? What kind of person wouldn't dream of that!

I heard you talking to someone on the phone about learning another language you heard here in Kalos. I heard you guys talking about learning French and getting a tutor because of a specific someone . I really would like to who made you want to learn French, but I can speak it fluently. Almost every Kalosian knows the language. French is known as 'the language of love' and Kalos is known as 'the region of love' so its a perfect fit! If you are fluent enough, I bet you will be able to read this

J'espère vraiment que vous êtes heureux où que vous soyez dans le monde. Je sais que vous voulez aider tout le monde à être le meilleur possible. Ash ... Je t'aime tellement, mais j'ai toujours eu peur et peur que tu me refuses. J'espère que ce baiser avant de nous séparer était suffisant pour le prouver.

If you keep at it, you'll get it. That's something I learned from you through your gym battles and just you being you. I don't think you realize how many people you have inspired to pursue their dream. You even helped me find mine. You helped me through and through. Through thick and thin you were always and still are always right beside me.

There was this group of kids I saw walk by while me and Palermo were out. There were two adorable girls and two boys. The boy and girl siblings has raven colored hair, the other girl had blonde hair and the other boy had dirty blond. I watched their interactions, they were smiling and laughing and talking about everything. I know it's not healthy to cling on to these memories so tight like a pangoro with a bamboo leaf, but these memories, to be honest, give me the energy I need and the strength I need to push through. They bring me joy knowing I have people that I love and love me. Ugh I'm being so cheesy about this!

Well, one of my showcases is coming up soon just to let you know. It'll be in Kalos. I'll get to see Clemont and Bonnie again after so long! It would be pretty cool if you came and busted Kalos for a few days and we could have the whole gang back together. I know you have stuff to do in Alola, but if you aren't in 2 weeks then you know where to go :)

I still have so much to tell you and maybe we can see each other again very soon.


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