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             For six years Lucas has been working at a school for demigods, it's not big but they have about 150 kids here to teach about there powers and how to control them. Today we got a new girl we were told to make sure she was safe at all costs because she was not an ordinary demigod. When Lucas was told this he was overcome with curiosity about how she is different? Maybe she is a child of the big three we don't get those often. Lucas kept an eye out for her in the day when he finally spotted her, she was about his age 14 or 15 at least, she had black hair with a white tank top and black jeans. Lucas went to talk to her and welcome her to the school.      "Hi i'm Lucas I will be helping you with your powers and how to properly control and use them so who is you're godly parent?                                                                                                                                          "Hi  Lucas i'm Lilith and i have more then one godly parent I have two,there names are Poseidon and Zeus."                                                                                                                                                                " Holey shit!!! Sorry but that means you are one of the most powerful demigods that ever lived! Do you know what you could do with your powers? Lucas was in shock he was standing next to the demigod that could literally destroy the world  as we know it. Well that is if Apollo doesn't beat her to it. Then he realized that he would be going on the quest with this girl the one that could potentially destroy the world.                                                                                                                        " You're here for the quest aren't you ?                                                                                                                        "Yes I am, how did you know?                                                                                                                                           " I was told I would be working with someone powerful I expected it would be someone from here like one of our most skilled students not a new girl who has two godly parents. Sorry that sounded rude. What do you wanna start on first you're water skills or lightning and storm, it's up to you.                                                                                                                                                                                         "First i am skilled i just need to control it. Second I may be new but trust me I could kill you if I wanted to. Third I think I will start with controlling water."                                                                                   "Bossy huh, I like it. Lets get started."                                          

          Lucas and Lilith went to go practice and three hours later Lilith had her water skills down. Lilith learned that she could breath under water as well. Lucas on the other hand is a son of Hades, he can get so angry that he can catch on fire, raise the dead for a small amount of time, and talk to ghost's.                                                                                                                                                              " Lilith your off to a good start you are learning faster then all the original kids here so good job, and now its time to go and work on your storm skills and then we should be done for today. Tomorrow you will be working on combat we will have to fit you with armor so I will send someone to do that for you after we get finished working on your storm skills. You ready"                       " i'm ready lets go.

 So after the next couple of hours Lilith was done with her training for today and Lucas sent someone to go and get Lilith measured for armor. Lucas was about to start heading to his room in the school when he saw something out of place someone who did not belong here and no one else had gotten enrolled today. Lucas knew that it was a monster he could sense and i'm guessing it could smell him. Lucas had to go find help. He thought, but then the monster turned around and leaped towards him at the light of speed.

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