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Before we get started with the story there are a few things that we need to go over first. (Although feel free to skip at any time since this does not pertain to the book itself.)

1: This is an undertale/(underswap) story that parodies homestuck's (trickster mode.)

2: I do not claim authorship to any of the photos used/ or the au/ or homestuck.

3: if you are interested in supporting this au. Please go to ask-the-candy-skulls on tumblr. You can ask questions/ submit fan art/ or just look at there cool au.

4: trigger warning!!! Be prepared for anything, I'm honestly making this book up as I go. Also, feel free to comment and send me feedback as I go. It's greatly appreciated.😊

5: you do not have to be familiar with homestuck to enjoy this story. (Don't worry about that, but if you like, feel free to look into the comic series because it's really cool/funny/and somewhat absurd-in a good way) however it is advised that you be familiar with at lest 3 of the following listed AUs...
😑undertale (obviously)
💔geno sans (only)
💖underswap (all)
🔪underfell (edge/fell -both)
👾errortale (...error/anti void)

6: 📬📖 suggestions are welcome in the comments as the story progresses. (I do in fact read EVERYTHING) 😎 no tags needed.

7: please. Enjoy the story. But if you don't it's ok. (Please don't bully others for enjoying my stories though.) you can and will hurt someone's feelings if you do. 😢 and that will make me cry.

8: you may proceed now. 🎂🍰 here's some cake for making it through the list. 🙃👍

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