Who Are You?

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"Well that was fun. But seriously Maddie what was that all about ?" Adam and Maddison were walking home. Adam was on her left side carrying her book bag with one strap while Maddison was eating her croissant.

"Sorry. My boyfriend was there with my group of friends" she gulped her food. "In fact I need to be home around this time but I need to take the bus." She looked up and down the streets, "which is no where to be found." She looked at her watch -3:40- .

Adam was eating his croissant, " I don't understand whats the big deal" he threw his hands in the air. "Why do you need to be home right now? It called 'young' and 'live a little'". He drank the last of his frap and threw it out.

"It's just that Luke was supposed to pick me up after school but I ditch because I saw him with Abby..." she looked away "Then at Starbucks he texted me saying he was going to Starbucks and he'll come over in 20 minutes." She started looking the streets again, "And if I'm not there he'll think somethings up and I don't feel like answering any questions."

"Wait, why do you have to answer questions" Adam started to get a bit mad. "YOU should be asking the questions while HE answers them" He stood in front of her preventing her view of the road.

"Adam!" She tried to move to see the road but he did the exact same thing still blocking her view. "Seriously? He's not gonna bother answering my questions. Nor do I think I'll like the response." Maddison walked away and started walking home.

"Look," he jogged to catch up to her "how bout we go to your house, I'll hide in the closet. You tell him wassup, and if anything you know you have me there. Alright ?"

She looked up at him, " I only just met you a couple of freaking minutes ago and you want to come over?"

"Hey you can't blame me, feels like we've known each other for a while." He looked at her, "You're going to tell me I'm the only one who feels like that?" He smirked at her. "Come on Maddie" he said in a teasing voice. "Come on Maddie waddie!"

Maddison couldn't help to smile at this comment. "Holy shit, shut up Adam!" She started laughing, "I'll invite you if you tell me your last name." She stopped to a halt in front of him.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Deal. It's Adam Nelson"

"Alright. I'm Maddison Harper" She smiled and turned around continuing to walk. "Hey hurry up, with out bus it's a longer walk, plus we need time if you want to hide in the freaking closet." She spun around and smiled at him while continuing to walk forward. Adam smiled at her and walked along side her.

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