Chapter one

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The boy whose hair resembled hazel nuts, awoke abruptly. He sat up and opened his eyes and showed off his deep green iris's. His black haired sister stood over the awakening boy.


Mikasa gave him space and wandered back to her wad of sticks. She heaves the load onto her back and looks back at the boy.

"Eren, have you been crying?" She asked.


They walk side by side down the busy road.

"Mikasa, do me a favour and don't tell anyone that I was crying" Eren spoke.

She agreed to his plea and they continued chatting along the path.

"Somebody messin' with ya?" a guard interrupted the siblings talk.

They look up at the tall figure. It was none other than Hannes. The two drums within the cress on his uniform clearly showed he was from the percussion brigade. His cheeks were rosy and his breath had a hint of alcohol.

Eren, as per usual, was mad. He didn't like the fact that the guards were slacking off drinking.

"How do you expect to play if you're so loose on your feet?" Eren spat.

"Now why would I have to play?" he asked the angry little boy.

"Why do you think? What if the instruments break through the walls?"

The guard brushed it off and told Eren to be on his way.


The two kids walk down the alleys of shinganshina, with their heads held down, making their way home.

"Eren you should let the musician dream go" Mikasa said out of the blue.

"What? Really? Why does everyone think that they're a joke?" Eren rose his head and looked at Mikasa.

"What people think about them isn't really the issue" Her wise words went through one of Erens ears and out the other.

The sound of bells chiming silenced them both until Eren finally spoke.

"Perfect timing, they're back!"

He grabs Mikasa's hand and drags her to where the brass corps were dribbling back into the walls after a long battle.

There Eren saw the most important person within the walls, Erwin smith, a conductor and a composer. Eren had a mighty grin on his face, but Erwin had the opposite facial expression. The battle had taken its toll on the musicians. Most were out of breath by the intense instrument playing, but many were injured from the giant orchestra outside the walls.

"Moses, where is my son?" A lady emerged from the crowd.

"Give it to her" one of the musicians said to another.

They handed her a package wrapped in bloody sheets. The lady oh so slowly unravelled the sheets to reveal a shiny, brass trumpet. She immediately knew it was her Moses's. The lady broke down into tears, there was nothing else the brass corps could do.

Eren watched in despair along with the rest of the crowd, until the musicians passed the village.


The boy and the girl were now back at home, sitting around the family table. The boy's dad got ready to go out and Eren ate his soup like a pig.

"Eren's thinking about joining the brass corps." Mikasa said completely out of nowhere.

The boy's mother hurtled towards him and levelled heads with him.

"Get that thought out of your head! " She shouted.

After Eren had a tantrum, his father then got up to leave. Before he left he said something to Eren he will never forget.

"Eren, behave while I'm gone and I'll let you in on what I've been doing in the basement."

His father dangled a key that glimpsed in the light. The boy's face glowed up with joy and he said farewell to his father.

"I meant what I said" His mother spoke "do not join the brass corps, you will never play an instrument"

"What do you know!" the boy protested and ran off into the streets.


Eren met up with a yellow coconut haired boy called Armin. Mikasa caught up with Eren beforehand and they were all sitting by the river contemplating the meaning of existence. Then all of a sudden a huge rumble sent them all flying.

"What was that?" Armin asked.

They looked around and noticed people pointing, they followed the direction of the fingers.


There is was, the biggest trumpet anyone had ever seen. And then the massive trumpet played Adele's rolling in the deep trumpet version.

Whilst the trumpet played its sweet notes, he then destroyed a part of the wall and loads of other big instruments drooled in.

They all played their tunes and united as one symphony and played the imperial march.

Civilisation, as we know it, is doomed. 


Eren and Mikasa ran as fast as they could to their home. But, luck was not on their side, a big ass boulder was sitting on top of the family house. The worst was yet to come; the boy's mother was trapped underneath the crumpled building. The children heaved the debris of their home, in the hopes of freeing their mother.

They heard gigantic piano's playing fur elise nearby and cellos performing Elgar Cello Concerto. The clashing songs of doom drew closer and closer.

"Eren run away!" the boy's mother squealed.

Being the stubborn boy he is, Eren didn't listen.

But help was on the way. Hannes from the percussion brigade came to the rescue.

"Don't worry, I've got this" he said reassuringly.

Hannes pulled out his two bongo drums and braced himself for a grand duet. Little did Hannes know, he was up against a trumpet. The most difficult instrument to overpower. Hannes's bongos were of no match to the mighty trumpet. In defeat he ran back to the kids, apologised to Eren's mother for being an incompetent sod and sprinted off with the children.

Eren watched the titanic trumpet honk at his mother, powerful enough to blow the house and the boulder away. Then, the memory that will haunt Eren forever came; the trumpet ate her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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